Put my head down 

And tried to get out

Of her way

But I remembered

Not to judge

Once I began talking to her

I realized that I had

Nothing to be afraid of

She had made mistakes

She had done some wrongs

But in the end,

She was so much more

I was surprised

At my findings

I didn’t think

That if I stopped

To really get to know 


That I would find out a lot

That if I pushed aside


I would find truth

I came back to my friend

And was inspired

I wanted to know more

She seemed to have so much


I looked up to her

I started to value her words

Then she told me

Not to listen to everyone else

She told me

To be my own person

She told me

If I let them control me

I wouldn’t be happy

Once again

I listened deeply

And thoughtfully

She had became my friend

But a part of me

Was scared

“What will people say?”

I had feared

Judgement by my peers

About making friends with her

They had told me

What she has done

The mistakes she made

The things she said

I was shocked

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