1- New Dog Bed

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You groaned as you started to come around. You slowly opened your eyes to see fuzzy colors. "I wouldn't move so much if I were you." King Dice warned. You snarled at the sound of his voice before disobeying and sitting up. "What did I just say?" King Dice growled.

"I never read anything in the stupid piece of paper about following orders..." You growled back before seeing you had no shirt on, just layers of bandages with your blood on them. "Before you even yell 'You are such a pervert', making sure you don't bleed do death doesn't turn me on." King Dice stated.

You slowly got off the bed to see King Dice washing his hands. "So, where's your boss?" You said, excepting there to be more to this contract. "Retired in Hell." King Dice answered. You perked due to shock. "Wait, are you serious?" You asked shockingly.

"Of course I am. I may not play nice, but I don't lie." King Dice said as you leaned against the wall. "Huh. I guess I really didn't see that one coming." You said as your tail swayed against the wall. Your ears were perked forward as King Dice turned the water off.

Before you could say anything, King Dice picked you up and placed you on the bed you woke up in. You, being startled, waited for King Dice to get back. King Dice soon came back in his sleep wear. He grabbed a book before climbing into bed.

You figured it was time to sleep, so you simply curled up and slept. King Dice turned on his table lamp before slowly petting your fur. You tensed up a bit, due to years of people pulling on it, before slowly relaxing and purring at the touch.

King Dice smiled before realizing how unclean your fur was. He sighed before returning to his book. "I'm giving her a bath tomorrow. ... I'm going to hope she doesn't act like a cat just like the boss." King Dice muttered to himself as he continued to read and pet your fur at the same time.

King Dice x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now