Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

        The plans for the wedding went smoothly and pretty soon the day was sneaking up on them. It didn't matter that they were planning things every day for the last couple of months or that they were marking it on the calendar to make it more real. Before they knew it the day was two days away and they were hustling around for last minute fittings and such.  

        Kathryn met Natalie's parents and, at first, they didn't like the idea of their daughter dating another woman but they soon warmed up to the idea that they loved each other. Natalie's mother absolutely loved Kathryn and it didn't matter to her that they were living in Montana. According to her, "It gives me more reasons to learn how to ride a horse." 

        Natalie's dad automatically liked Kathryn because she used to play golf when she was younger and he loved playing. The first weekend that they came to stay, Kat and Robert when to play at a golf course. It didn't matter that the course was rough and mostly par 3's they enjoyed themselves. Kate remembered what he told her about Melissa. "She doesn't like that I play so much, but she loves me just the way I am. Natalie gets that from her in that way. She doesn't judge." 

        Kathryn took that as the sign that they liked her and they hit it off. Since Kat's mom didn't want to have anything to do with them, Natalie's parents became her second family. Her siblings agreed that it was good for her and they could see that she was truly happy.  

        Because the wedding so as close as possible, Natalie's family came and they were staying in a nearby hotel, claiming that they didn't want to intrude on their private time together. They went through the motions, trying to get everything done in time. Presently, there was a tent on the south side of the house and the tables were leaning against a giant oak tree waiting to be arranged for reception. 

        Natalie was pacing through the front hallway, mumbling to herself, when Kat walked in. 

        "Sweetie, what's wrong?" 

        Natalie stopped her pacing and looked up at Kathryn. Her face was full of worry and anxiety. 

        "I'm just wondering whether or not we should put the tables up tomorrow or the day of. Who are we going to have show people to their seats? What if the pastor has second thoughts about marrying us? What if no body shows up? What if-" 

        Kathryn walked up and drew her in a hug. 

        "It's going to be fine, Nat. We'll put the tables up tomorrow because catering needs them up when they get here first thing. We already said that people could seat themselves because it's outdoors. The pastor isn't going to back out of this because we already paid him the money and he is one of the very few that accepted us because we love each other. Everyone we invited RSVP'd and they are coming. Heck, most of them are a couple of days early. Don't worry about it, love. All you have to worry about is getting your gorgeous self in that dress and walk down the isle with me." 

        Natalie pulled back and smiled into Kathryn's eyes. 

        "I love you, you know that?" 

        Kathryn grinned. 

        "Of course I do. Just as I love you and I always will."

        D-day. At least that's what Kathryn's brother called it. He was such a pain in her ass sometimes. The day came and they woke up in the early morning, six thirty to be exact. It was still dark out and Natalie whined that they didn't have to be up yet. 

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