Roseanne could suddenly feel the ships movements under her feet. She pressed a hand to her head, "What have I done?"

"You married a man out of spite for your brother." Jason replied, his calm tone turning icy.

"And what is it to you?" Roseanne snapped, crossing her arms.

Jason stood and brushed his trousers off, "If you will excuse me, your highness, I shall need to locate my hammock. Those heathens will leave me the worst one if I don't hurry."

The door closed behind him with a loud click.


Roseanne could hardly sleep that night, with all the excitement rolling within her.

She got up early that next morning and made sure she looked her best— after all, today was the day she meet her people.

After months and months of waiting for them to arrive in Spain, they had finally arrived. The air was slightly crisp from the cool weather around them, but Roseanne could care less.

The arid months at sea had driven her mad and with her condition, she could barely stand the smell and sight of the men aboard. It was high time that she put herself inside castle walls where she belonged.

"And how is our little one today?" Alvaro asked, as he strolled in from the upper deck.

Roseanne pressed a hand to her growing abdomen, "I am blissfully miserable. How long is it until we are able to leave?"

Alvaro gave her a look that she knew far to well— he only cared to hear about their child.

She sighed, "The child is fine, Alvaro. He is growing and he is healthy."

Alvaro gave her a curt nod and looked at the collected stuff around the room, "I will send someone to retrieve your belongings."

Roseanne nodded back, "Thank you, your majesty."

Despite being married for almost four months, Alvaro had hardly held a lengthy conversation with her. A few phrases exchanged here and there were all that he could give her. The once charming King had turned into a cold, manipulative tyrant.

Roseanne was thankful for Jason, as he had provided her with much company over the past months. Though he did not know of her condition, he had hardly left her side during the day.

"Ready to go ashore?" Jason asked, entering the confined cabin.

Roseanne smiled, "Yes, let's leave this dreadful ship. I long to feel the earth move under my feet again!"

She grabbed his hand, "Tell me, good sir, is the sun shining bright outside? Is the weather fair?"

Jason twirled her under his arm, "Aye, dear lass, the weather isna very fair but dona fash. There be some sun to come ye way."

Roseanne laughed at his terrible accent, "You, sir, need to lay off the ale."

Jason crossed his arms over his chest, "Ale? I am a civilized gentleman. I do not drink more than I can hold."

Roseanne raised an eyebrow, "I am sure that is true. Perhaps you should work on your accent, dear sir."

A sailor cleared his throat as he appeared in the doorway, "I came for the bags, ya lady ship."

Roseanne nodded and stepped out of his way, "Well, I guess it is time for me to go above deck now. It is time for the people of Spain to meet their Queen."

Jason straightened his uniform, "Well then, your majesty, shall I escort you to the deck?"

Roseanne took a deep breath, "You shall."


Roseanne could hardly keep her hand from shaking as she stepped into the carriage

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Roseanne could hardly keep her hand from shaking as she stepped into the carriage. Her dress was heavier than it had been before and she could swear that the coachman gave her an unimpressed look.

Her husband, as cold as ever, sat down beside her and placed a hand on top of hers, "We will announce the heir tonight."

Roseanne snapped her head to look at him. They had not discussed such things nor had he given her the chance.

"Shall we not give it more time?" She asked, looking back down at her lap.


Roseanne knew the conversation was over. She knew that there was no since arguing with him.  So she instead turned her attention to the crowd.

She liked the cheering crowds and flowers thrown her way. She liked the feeling of being appreciated and adored. She had received this back in England, but not in this level.

The carriage itself was built for a queen, made out of pure gold and red satin. There was nothing more perfect in the world.

She waved, her smiling nearly exceeding her face.  She wanted her people to cheer. She wanted them to adore her. This was what she wanted— a true fairytale.

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