Not to Disappear Chapter 1

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I've wanted to write this one for a long time. A lot of my fics focus on strong women and diversity - as you'll see when I get around to finishing and uploading them all - but in this, I wanted to show a soft(TM) girl whose still strong and badass. Maddy and her story means a lot to me and I hope you guys can connect with her/it too. Also, there's gonna be minimal to no romance. A whole bunch of familial friendships between side characters and main characters? Hell yeah. This is also gonna follow my own plot with sprinkles of the original story so if you want a rewrite of episodes with another character in, you might not enjoy this.

Also, this is a story that won't just focus on Maddy. I want it to be a story about all of the characters and their conflicts.

Oh, and warning for violence and swearing. I do a lot of both.

Pre-first chapter ramble over. Enjoy!

"Got the short straw today, didn't you?" Finley teased as Maddy ducked under his arm, holding the glasses on the tray so they wouldn't fall.

"Someone needs to keep you in check. You know, in case you decide to abandon post and hook up with Danielle," Maddy teased back. Danielle gave a little wave from her table. "Anyway, you deal with the riffraff. Usually if someone comes in for a fight, they don't order the pie of the day first."

"True," Finley smiled as a tall guy came to the bar. "What can I get you, bro?"

Maddy took a second to admire the customer's shoulder length hair before slipping in the kitchen. Usually Janine dealt with the food on a Friday night but she had a vicious bout of bronchitis and was bed-ridden. Maddy didn't mind. She could play her music and lose herself in making well-practiced meals.

"Mads, need a bacon cheeseburger and house salad," Finley called through the door.

"On it, Finland!"

He chucked his tea towel at her, which she dodged with a laugh. It landed on the hob of the oven and she dived to throw it off.

"You idiot!" she yelled

"Stop looking in mirrors!" he yelled back through the closed door.

She shook her head at him. Finn wasn't the best at retorts but they made her laugh nonetheless.

Maddy moved over to her speaker and turned on some Simon and Garfunkel. She was trying to play a few of theirs on her guitar at home but reading sheet music didn't suit her. Playing by ear meant having to listen over and over. Great for Maddy, not so great for Finn.

Mrs Robinson began to play as she put the burger on to fry and got started on the salad.

"We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files," she sang out of tune. "We'd like to help you learn to help yourseeelf."

"Yo, Beyonce, tone the tunes down!"

"Piss off, Finn!"

He propped open the door, poking his head through the gap.

"C'mon - "

"Look around you all you see are sympathetic eyes!" she sang louder, throwing him a cheesy grin as some of the locals laughed from the bar. "Stroooooll around the grounds until you feel at home! Come on, Haz, you love this one!"

The local pawnbroker barked a laugh from the other room as Maddy turned up the volume for the chorus.

"And here's to you, Mrs Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you will know!" they sang together, a few others joining in.

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