Summer Rocks

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Date in the story: May 21, 2012

Nicole's P.O.V.:

I lay in my soft, warm bed as the sun glistened in my windows. I opened my eyes a tiny bit to check the clock, and it was 8:45. Groaning, I turned over and went back to sleep.

The next thing I hear is a banging at the door. My parents both work, and Will isn't home from college yet. Ashlee sure wouldn't get up to get it on the first day of summer, that's for sure.

I sighed and got out of bed, stumbling across my once messy room, but I had cleaned it yesterday afternoon. I'd spend all afternoon on it and the floor was spotless. I still had some work on it, but I wasn't about to do it now.

I went to the door and opened it. Opening my eyes, I saw Kenton in his beach wear standing there.

"Why are you still in your pajamas?" he asked. "It's summer!"

"I'm aware." I complained. "And why are you at my house at the crack of dawn?"

"What are you talking about?" he asked. "It's two in the afternoon."

My eyes popped open. "Whoops. I guess I didn't know I went back to sleep." I shyly smiled.

"Anyone would know that." he smiled back. "Listen, me, Ross, Nathan, Cameron, Bella, and Jordan are all going to the pool. Want to come?"

"Yeah, I just gotta wake up first. Come on in."

"No thanks. It's too nice out here."

"Alright. I'm gonna go change, I'll be right back."

I closed the door and went back upstairs to change into my swim suit.

I left a note for Ashlee, and I walked out the door wearing my black tankini swimsuit and sandals. Kenton and I walked to the pool and talked.

We got there and everyone except Jordan was there. Ross got out of the pool and ran over to me to give me a hug.

"No way! You're wet." I said.

"So? You're gonna get wet too." he teased.

"Truce." I said. I gave Bella a hug and took off my sandals. "So Bella, are the guys bothering you?"

"Actually, no. But I'm sure Kenton will take care of that." she smiled.

"Sure." he said. "I would, but I haven't got time for all that nonsense." Kenton replied. "I don't like being mean to girls."

"Why not? Girls have cooties." Cameron teased.

"Not any more than guys do." I smiled.

"Anyway, what we REALLY came here for. It's summer. I'm going to get a drink. Anyone want one?"

"I do!" everyone said.

I giggled. "I'll help you."

We went to go get everyone's drinks. While we were waiting in line, Kenton wanted to talk. "So, you happy we made it through 8th grade?"

Even though Kenton just turned 17, he was still in 8th grade with us. He was an actor, and as a child he did a movie that caused him to miss school. His parents decided to put him in school after it was over, and by the time he started kindergarten he was seven.

"Yeah actually." I said.

Kenton was about to say something when it was our turn.

We got the drinks and brought them to our friends. The whole afternoon, we just hung out and talked. And around five or six, I was ready to head home.

The pool closed and each of us walked each other home, first Bella left then Cameron. Then Jordan. Then Kenton. Then it was just me and Ross.

"So, what do you want to do this summer?" he asked as we walked from Kenton's house.

"Honestly I don't know." I said.

"You do know. I know you want to meet Greyson again." he teased. "But seriously. That's all you talked about all year."

"No way! And besides, my parents wouldn't let me."

"Why not?"

"When I get home late like this. Wait....OH MY GOSH! I have to get home!"

"Wait, why does it matter?"

"Because I'll get grounded, which means no Greyson!"

We rushed back to the house, climbing over fences and taking backyard routes. We slid into my yard just as the clock turned seven, which was my school curfew that hasn't been changed yet.

"Phew." he said. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay. That was actually fun." I smile.

He smiled shyly and looked at the ground. "You open me up so well, I feel less shy because of what you've been to me."

"Good. You're a really nice guy who deserves good friends."

"I wish other people knew that."

"And they will. As soon as you give them a chance."

"I'll see you later." he said.

I started walking to my front door. "See you."

"Wait, Nicole." he said, getting up on the porch where I was. "I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go see a movie sometime?"

"I'd like that." I smiled. "I'll text you later."

"Okay." he sighed, and blushing. He walked away waving.

I got into my house and shut the door behind me. I leaned against it and closed my eyes imagining what it'd be like to go somewhere with Ross. Without Bella, Jordan, Cameron, and all of my friends.

"Nicole Blake Williams, you're late!"

"Mom, it's only--"

But it wasn't mom. It was Ashlee. "Mom and dad aren't home yet. Stuck in traffic."

"So....are you gonna tell on me?"

"No! I'm mature like that. But if you do anything that makes any of us mad, you're in for it. Which means, I will tell."

I sighed. "Please, don't tell them about Ross."

"What's the big deal? You've been best friends with him all year."

"He asked me to go see a movie and I don't want him to feel uncomfortable about asking me on a date. He's a shy boy as it is."

"I see....I always knew he liked you. I won't tell. But if you do anything, I will."

"Thanks Ashlee." I said, relaxing, dropping my bag on the floor. My parents and Will were never home, so when it was just Ashlee and I we didn't clean much.

Just then, Will opened the door. "I'm home!" he said.

Aaaaand I picked up my bag again. Summer rocks. Will's home, I'm getting closer with Ross. Yep. It's gonna be an interesting summer.

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