"So there's nothing going on between you two?" Not me and Thomas, hell no. "What about you and your leader?"

"A better option than Thomas, but no."

She gave me a confused look. "So you're not with anyone? I find that hard to believe."

I picked up a box. "Not that it's any of your business...I'm with Newt." Again, another confused look. "The blonde one." I walked around her and went towards the door. "Just a little warning. If you try something with Newt or you harm any of my friends..."

"You'll hang me upside down and bleed me to death," She finished. 

"No. I'll stab your eyes out and shove them down Jorge's throat."

I gave her one last grin before I walked down the hallway. I gave a few Gladers the cans before I made my way towards Newt. He smiled at me as I sat down next to him. I handed him one of the cans.

"Might be Frypan's bacon, but it beats nothing," I said.

He stick his fingers in the can before placing them in his mouth. I would have cringed, but it's not like we had utensils. "Maybe if I imagine it it could be," He joked.

That made me laugh. I stuck my fingers in my cream of mushrooms before popping it into my mouth. "Mmm, I could just taste the grease."

Newt took another bite. "You know what you did back there was dangerous, right?"

"They were going to hurt you guys. I can't just sit back and let that happen."

"And now you might lose a bloody eyeball because of it."

I gave him a look. "Newt, I know but ..." I trailed off when I see Chuck sitting against the wall a few feet ahead of us eating his own can beans.

"Come on, Elle," Chuck started. "Tell him how you can take care of yourself." Chuck moaned in delight as he stuck another handful of beans into his mouth. "Man, these beans are so good."

Chuck kept digging into the can. He kept getting the juice all over his face as some dripped down his chin. His hunger grew more and more. He tossed his can when he was finished and went on to another. I cringed when he brought the new can up over his head. His tongue was out as the beans fell all over his face. When he was finished he tossed that can away and began licking his fingers.

"I'm still hungry," He said. "I need more food."

He looked at his hands and his smile grew bigger. The next thing I knew, he brought his fingers to his mouth and bit them. My eyes widen as the sound of his bones crunching filled the room. Chuck started to laugh as blood came out of his mouth.

"Chuck, no!" I yelled and got up. Chuck kept laughing and hit his next fingers. I ran towards him and tried to pry his hands away. "Chuck, stop. Stop! Stop!"

"Why, Elle? Being dead makes me hungry," He replied. "I can't help it."

He bit his wrist and my eyes widen when his skin started to peel off. "Chucky!"

He looked at my with wide eyes as he continued to chomp. The skin crept up to his mouth each time he chewed. "I'm still hungry."

Chuck grabbed a hold of me. I tried to struggle and get away, but his grip was tight. His mouth opened so wide before I felt his teeth sink into my neck. I screamed as I felt my skin tearing, hot blood pooling down my neck. Chuck pushed me back and started laughing. I kept gasping as my hand went towards my neck to slow down the blood.

"Danny," I heard someone. I kept panting as I felt someone shake my shoulder. "Danny!"

I sat up right as looked around the room. Newt was right next to me giving a worried look while Minho and Thomas looked confused about what just happened.

"What happened?" Newt asked.

I looked towards the wall to see Chuck gone. My hand went towards my neck and expected to see blood, but there was nothing there.

I shook my head as I got up. "Nothing, I'm fine."

"You yelling Chuck, stop doesn't seem fine," Minho said.

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped. The guys took a step back at my outburst. Oh, no. Not again. I imagined Chuck again. I quickly got up. "I'm sorry, guys. I - I have to go."

"Go?" Newt asked. My chest started beating fast as I pushed past him and did what I know how to do. Run. "Danny!"

"Someone grab her!" Minho yelled.

The Gladers tried to run at me, but I pushed each of them into each other. Chuck appeared again and started to clap.

"Run, Elle, run!" He applaud.

I pushed past Brenda and ran straight for the exit. I was almost there when I felt someone wrap their arms around me waist. I struggled to get out of their grip.

"Danny, stop! Stop!" Newt yelled.

"Newt, let go! I have to go!"

"I'm not leaving you to go out there!"

I tried to push him away from me. "Newt, let me go!"


Tears pricked my eyes. "Then, I'm sorry for this."

Nothing came from Newt's mouth because I brought my elbow back and swung it across his face. Newt grunted before he finally let go. I sprinted past him and ran up the wobbly stairs. I ignored the humidity, the bright sun beating down on me. I can't handle it anymore. I'm going to slow them down. I stopped at the top of the hill when I heard a loud explosion. I looked back with wide eyes. My friends are down there. I have to go back.

"No you won't," Chuck said as he stood next to me. He grabbed my hand and gave me a sickening smile. "Now it's just me and you. Forever."



A/N: *grabs hair* Danny, what are you doing?!?!

Chapter not edited. Why not? Because I had this chapter ready yesterday, but somehow it got deleted and I had to redo the whole thing again.

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