Just Hold In Your Breathe: Prologue:

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"Aiden. Hello earth to Aiden!"

I jolt slightly as my friend,Nora,shakes me awake from my thoughts. "Wh-What?"I stutter,gripping tighter onto my warm coffee mug. It was mid-autum and already a chilly winters wind was creeping in. Thankfully,I had my mother's homemade knit scarf embracing my neck. It smelt of her;roses and cinnimon.

"Gorsh, you're always daydreamin'."Nora scolds,accusingly pointing her index finger at my face. Her chocolate brown eyes narrowing at my forest green. "Anyways,Nuala is having a party in a few days,at that one lake. What was it called again' ?"She asks herself,snapping her thin fingers.

"The Porridge?"I question,regretting that I mention the name. It wasn't actually named "The Porridge",its actually a mocking nickname. The lake has an odd reputation of drownings and or disappearances. Teenagers would go there to party, and dare eachother to hold their breath a long time underwater, hoping to achieve a fabled orgasm while still surviving to tell about it. Instead, many drown- but this did not keep the kids from going back. They are foolish. They joke that those young men and woman who died had ejaculated in those waters... inspiring the "humorous" nickname because of its consistency of the lake itself. Most of the townspeople do not find it appropriate to talk about what went down at the lake.

"Mmm? Oh Yeah! Yeah....that's it!"Nora exclaims. Nora is your average brunette. She is pretty,smart,and funny. During highschool she was famed for being the beauteous bombshell. Her dark brown hair reaches down to her mid-back,curling at the ends. Nora's chocolate eyes sparkle with enthusiasm,and life. Shes reaches about 5'10,with long legs and a slim torso. When she was fifteen,she went and got a feather tattoo under her arm. Today she is wearing a black sweater with a white mustache in the middle,with skin tight jeans,and knee high boots.

The brunette smiles at me once again. "So ya'goin'?"

"Maybe."I say staring out the wide window of the cafè. " 'Maybe'? What do you mean maybe?"

I shrug. The intoxicating smells of the cafè linger throughout the air. The smell of carmal drifts upward toward me from my own drink. "Jea'sus,you are so stubborn."Nora says,crossing her arms and pouting.

"Mhmm..."I murmur.

Nora sighs in defeat. "Alright. I'm off. Eoghan's waitin' for me at the station." The brunette stands up and places money onto the table; just enough for her share. "Tell him I said hi." I watch as she prances out of the building. The thick smoke of the town engulfing her. She looks like a young vunerable fawn going treading into a hunters grounds.


So,what'cha think?



I thought of this just now after listening to The Genius Next Door,by Regina Spektor,so sorry if wasn't that "grand".

Constructive Complaints and R&R,please. c:

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