First Day

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    My p.o.v

I am starting seventh grade at a new school and im afraid. When i got on the bus This little girl wanyed to sit next to me so i sat diwn. She asked "what's your name"
"Kailyn" She smiled at me and started rambling on about how excited she was to start school and how she already had alot of friends from moye.  Me,  i was scared.  I didn't know if I was going to be bullied like at carriel or if it was going to be different. We got to school and we got off the bus I felt like an udiot because i couldnt open the door to the cafeteria so someone else opened it for me.  I walked straight to the gym.  I sat at the end of the bleachers and i was sitting alone. A bunch of nice people came over to me and asked if i was new so i said "yes"
"would you like to hang out with us"
"sure" I put on my "smile" and sat with them.  At lunch, i sat with them and we hit it off. I laid eyes on Maeva and we became close friends.  We had most of our clases with eachother so she helped me find my classes. We met this girl named angel and by the second quarter she hayed me she threatened to kill me.  I despised her and luckily she got yransfered or maybe she is burning on hell. No one knows(i like the second option). Then Maeva started acting weird.  She started acting depressed and ignoring me we were hip bupping in the halway and she went home after that the next day she came and told everybody I......

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