The Announcement

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The hall was silent as Jon was out of the room, no one dared move. Sansa and I were leaned over whispering to one another about what could be happening. Perhaps Tormund knew of a Wilding that would marry a Lady of the North, take land and such.

The doors creaking open was the noise everyone was waiting for, so when it happened no one jumped. They sat up straight and watched as Jon walked forwards, to the head table.

He had the hint of a smirk on his face, as he stood at his rightful spot again. Tormund was in the middle of the room, back a ways, closer to his Wilding brethren.

Jon spoke "it is a marriage you wanted, so it is a marriage that will happen. The North needs to be untied, a alliance of marriage is a simple thing and ....and It has been decided that my sister, Lady of Winterfell, will marry Tormund Giantsbane, closest thing to a leader the Free Folk have".

There was a pause again as every eye in the room turned to me, me...I was going to get married...

The words spoken had sunk in and I still was unsure how to conduct myself.

These thoughts rush threw my head quickly, but not as quickly as I thought. Tormund had approached my stunned form and was leaning down trying to catch my blank gaze.

"I can't tell if she is happy or plotting to murder us" Tormund lightly said to Jon.

I suddenly snapped out of my trance and tentatively rose from my chair. I leaned over the table to Tormund and whispered to him, " want to marry me, take me as your wife.." I spoke with hesitation.

Tormund chuckled sweetly and leaned close to my face, "what do you think me and ya brother were talk'n of...the weather".

A smiled stretched on my face as I practically leaped over the table and embraced Tormund, kissing him.

The hall erupted in clinking cups and loud cheering from the Wildings. Tormund smirked in a happy way and turned to greet his friends as they came to slap him on the back for getting his woman...officially.

He turned on his heels, arms spread wide, letting out a boisterous "HAHA".

I laughed as I watched, Sansa coming and congratulating me, gushing about the preparations already.

When Sansa released me Jon stood in front of me.

With a smiling face he spoke, "thought you were gonna faint there for a minute"

I glared playfully at him, "you would be the blame if I did, it was a like a dagger the shock I got".

"A happy dagger?" He asked.

"Yes" I smiled hugging him "A happy one"

He held me close, "I have postponed when the Wildings will be leaving for the wall, figured you would want to be married to 'im before the war starts".

I grip my brother closer, "Thank you Jon". 

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