Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Her anger increased. Hannah was using her ability against her. Once upon a time, they had promised never to use their powers against each other. And while Onyx had done it already, she was in much less control of her ability than Hannah, who always had carefully ordered control to everything about herself, from how much she slept, how they organized their schedule, to her ability.

"Let me go!" Onyx screamed.

"So you can punch me? In your dreams!" Hannah shouted back, taking control of the rest of Onyx's body to get the other girl off of her and standing again.

When Hannah pushed herself to her feet, she stared down at Onyx, nothing but malice and hatred in her eyes. Onyx wanted to scream, she wanted to yell and let out all the pent-up anger that she had inside of her, but she was still under Hannah's control. She couldn't move.

Slowly, the redhead forced Onyx down to her knees, pushing with an invisible weight that settled on every inch of her body. When Onyx's knees crashed into the pavement, Hannah's control shifted to her arms and shoulders, continuing to force Onyx further to the ground.

A yell tore its way out of Onyx's mouth as she cried out in frustration and pain. Her forearms made contact with the pavement below her. Then her head was being forced towards the ground and with a sickening crack, pain blossomed all around Onyx's forehead and over the top of her head.

Then the control was gone and Onyx sank to the ground, the tension leaving her muscles as her body collapsed and she was left panting on the pavement. Her heart was beating fast, blood pumping through her body rapidly, making her head spin with more than just the pain.

But something had caused Hannah to stop, and she had to find out whatever it was. Onyx pushed her head up to look around her and spotted Peter, all dressed up in his Spider-Man costume, shooting a web at Hannah.

"No," she protested weakly, "don't..."

Hannah shouted and Peter froze before he was forced to walk to the nearest wall and use his webbing to stick his hand to it. Then she could see his body relax as Hannah's control left and he began to frantically try to get himself unstuck. Then Hannah turned back to Onyx.

She could see the anger in her eyes. It had gone beyond anything that Onyx had ever seen before. In her hand, she picked up something off the ground, and Onyx couldn't see what it was, but she had no doubt that it would be a weapon of some kind, and Hannah began to stalk back over to Onyx.

More pain blossomed in her stomach as Hannah delivered a swift kick that caused Onyx to flip onto her back. Looking up at the redhead, she saw that the thing she had picked up was a broken bottle, with jagged edges that would do a lot of damage. Onyx used the remaining strength in her body to push herself back and away from Hannah, but she wasn't quick enough.

Hannah grabbed her shirt and pulled her up, and the anger blazing in her eyes was unmatched. It was like a raging fire, unstoppable and all-consuming. In her anger, Hannah couldn't even think to use her abilities to her advantage. 

But Onyx could.

The redhead let out a yell and pulled her arm back to stab the broken bottle into Onyx with as much force as she could manage, and just as she brought it down to strike into Onyx's stomach, the dark-haired girl locked eyes with her former friend.

Surprise flashed through Hannah's eyes, surprise and pain. Blood pooled around the wound in her stomach as her hand still clutched the broken bottle. Hannah stumbled backwards, and Onyx took the bottle from her hand and threw it to the ground. She followed after Hannah, grabbing her arm to stop her from moving.

"My emotions are not my weakness. They are my strength. But yours are your weakness," she snarled before letting Hannah go and watching as she fell to the ground, the final bit of life in her eyes fading away.

And just like that, the weight of the whole scenario, or what she'd just done, crashed down on Onyx. Her knees gave out from under her and tears gathered in her eyes before falling down her cheeks. Onyx fell to her arms, next to her former best friend and she cried. And when someone picked her up and held her tightly, she didn't protest, knowing that it was Peter.

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be alright," Peter told her in a soothing voice.

"No, no it's not," she replied.

"Why would you say that, of course it will," Peter said.

"I can't stop, Peter, I can't stop killing people. You have to help me, I can't do it," she said as she cried into his shoulder, "I can't stop."

"It's okay," he said, holding her tighter, "I think I know someone that can help."


So, place your bets now, who do you think this person is will help Onyx? Who does Peter have in mind to help her?

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