Chapter Three

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The mistress' name was Isla Jones. She was a beautiful woman, with curly brown hair, kind brown eyes and coffee coloured skin. It was a shame that she had to die, but money was money, and Onyx and Hannah needed that money. After dinner, the two girls had gone to the PO box and gotten the information about where Isla was and how to find her.

From the shadows, they watched her exit the apartment building. The girl's looked at each other and smiled. Hannah narrowed her eyes in concentration and outstretched her hand. Onyx watched as Isla's eyes widened as she stopped mid-step and straightened. She suddenly turned abruptly and began walking in the opposite direction she had been going in originally. Hannah made sure that Isla couldn't open her mouth to call for help as she walked, wide eyed and looking scared, exactly where they wanted her to go.

Where they wanted her to go was an abandoned building not far from where they had found her. A chair sat in the middle of a room in the second floor, and under Hannah's control, Isla sat in the chair and waited for the two girls. Onyx bound her hands and feet so she couldn't move and then Hannah released her control and the woman opened her eyes.

"Who are you? What do you want with me? How did you make me come here?" Isla demanded.

"Well, we've been hired to kill you, Miss Jones," Onyx said, watching her.

"But your only children!"

"Far from it!" Hannah snapped.

"You're going to get us a lot of money, you know. People will do a lot of things for the right price," Onyx explained.

"Who would want me dead?" Isla asked.

"I think you know," Hannah said.

Isla blinked, thinking about who it could be. "George?" She asked. "He paid to have me killed because he cheated on his wife?"

"We don't care about the details. Just the money," Onyx said simply.

"But he said something about you threatening to tell his wife," Hannah noted.

"Oh, yes, I do remember that now," Onyx replied.

"He cheated on her! She deserves to know!" Isla defended.

"Remember, we don't care about the details. All we care about is the money." Onyx gave her a smile and levelled with her, looking in her eyes. The green of Onyx's eyes shifted to reflect the warm brown of Isla's. She moved back, not breaking eye contact, holding out a hand to Hannah. The redhead smiled and placed a knife in her friend's hand.

Inside of her mind, Isla was panicking, but she couldn't make her mouth open or her limbs move. Onyx knew all of this, but she also knew that all Isla could do was stare into her own eyes, reflected in Onyx's eyes.

Onyx twirled the knife in her hand, and brought it to her skin. She pressed the knife into her skin, and fresh blood blossomed from a fresh cut on Isla's arm, pain filling her. Onyx pressed the knife further into her skin, and pulled the knife away, smirking viciously at the woman. Onyx tilted her head to the side and drove the knife into her stomach, watching without emotion as a new blood poured from the new wound and stained her shirt. Onyx blinked and broke eye contact, severing the connection and dropping the knife.

"How did you-" Isla tried to ask, but blood poured from her mouth and she was forced to stop. The girls waited patiently for Isla to die, hoping it would be quick so they could go.

Hannah pulled out the camera and snapped a picture, tucking it away again a moment later. The girls shared a smirk and turned back to Isla, seeing her clinging to the last threads of life. Their job was done. It was time to go home.

"Stop!" A voice yelled from up high. The girls looked up to see Spider-Man swinging towards them. The girls ran in opposite directions, finding cover wherever they could.

Onyx ducked down into the shadows, surveying the room carefully. Spider-Man dropped down in front of Isla and checked her pulse, head drooping when he didn't find one. He stood and looked around, spotting the knife on the floor where Onyx had dropped it and then to Isla again. He was confused, of course he was. But confusion was alright. As long as it didn't turn into curiosity. That's where the problem lied. Or would lie.

Onyx prayed that Hannah would show up and get rid of him, but she knew that it could be very dangerous. Spider-Man couldn't keep showing up and ruining their jobs and finding their hideouts. If they weren't careful, he would find them and rat them out to social services. Neither girl wanted to go into the foster system, and it was doubtful that he would find evidence of their kills. What he would find is two homeless girls. Social services would come sweeping in before they could get away again.

She had to do something, she had to get rid of him somehow. But he couldn't see her face... Even if she pulled her hood up, it could fall off in the fight. Onyx looked around frantically, and spotted just the thing to do the trick. She smeared it around her eyes and over her nose so it looked like a mask and pulled her hood over her head in one swift motion.

With a deep breath she ran out of her hiding spot and right at Spider-Man. He turned at the last second and blocked her blow, but that was all she needed. Eye contact. Underneath the mask, Spider-Man's eyes widened as Onyx's eyes went completely white. She scratched at her arm and the arms of his suit ripped open, she kept slashing at his suit and when she reached up to her face, he quickly ducked away, breaking eye contact and kicking her in the stomach, sending her flying. He was out of there before she could get up or the other girl could show up.

Pain flared in Onyx's stomach and back as she leaned against the wall. As soon as Spider-Man was gone, Hannah appeared out of the shadows and raced to her friend. She put her hand out over her stomach, feeling the blood rushing to the surface as a bruise began to form. Hannah did what she could, but she didn't use her power to heal often enough for it to be able to stop the bruising completely.

"Come on," Hannah said, helping up her friend. "Let's get you home."

Onyx swore in pain as Hannah laid her down in their hideout. The pain in her stomach from the obvious bruise was severe. That stupid hero had a strong kick. Her back hurt from hitting the wall, but the pain in her stomach was more. Hannah had stopped the bruising as best she could, but when you used your ability to hurt more than heal, you ability to do the latter was compromised.

"Isn't there anything more you can do, Han?" Onyx asked through grit teeth.

"No, I'm sorry, I don't know what else to do. Do you want pain meds? I can run to the pharmacy and grab some Advil-"

"No," Onyx protested. "It'll pass, eventually."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, completely."

"Is there anything besides healing that I can do?" Hannah asked, worried for her friend.

"There's one thing that might make me feel better," Onyx managed to say, a devious plan forming in her mind.

"What is it?"

"Killing Spider-Man."

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