Chapter 29 "Masked Ball"

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 "I'm going to go!" Sam says grabbing her coat and putting it on, "Have a great time!" she tells Shaylynn winking at her

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 "I'm going to go!" Sam says grabbing her coat and putting it on, "Have a great time!" she tells Shaylynn winking at her.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "Bye, Sam! Thanks for the hair!"
Sam walks out the door, "I figured I would see a coach with horses out here, but there's only a limo!" she yells back.
Shaylynn shakes her head again, "Goodbye, Sam!" Shaylynn yells out.
Sam walks to her car laughing her ass off.
"Ready to go?" Rhodes asks her grabbing the shawl that came with the dress.
"Yes!" Shaylynn tells him with a smile on her face.


Arriving at the Four Seasons, Rhodes gets out then helps Shaylynn out of the limo.
They walk inside to see a sign that says the event is being held up on the eighth floor in the Grand Ballroom.
Making their way to the Grand Ballroom Shaylynn puts on her mask, then they're treated to a sight when they walk in.

Making their way to the Grand Ballroom Shaylynn puts on her mask, then they're treated to a sight when they walk in

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Natalie and Will walk over, "Hello, Connor!" Natalie says as Will tries to figure out who Rhodes brought with him.
"Shaylynn? Is that you?" he asks.
"Yes, Will it's me!" she tells him.
"Wow! Look at you!" he says.
"You look beautiful!" Natalie tells her.
"Thank you! So do you!" Shaylynn tells her.
"Let's go and see where we're sitting," Natalie says.
Shaylynn walks up beside her as Rhodes and Halstead walk behind them.
Halstead looks over at Rhodes and smiles, "Stop it, Will!" Rhodes says with a smile.
"I didn't say a word!" Halstead tells him.
"I know what you're thinking!" Rhodes says as they walk up behind the ladies.
"This is us," Natalie says.
The night goes on with eating and a lot of dancing.


Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25, multi-car accident, Lakefront Trail across from Delaware Place

Everyone runs out, gears up and heads out.
Making it to the Lakefront Trail, they only see one car. Getting out, Casey, Severide, and Boden walk up to the people standing around.
"We were told there were multiple cars. Did you see the accident?" Boden asks a man.
"Yes, I saw the accident. There are multiple cars in the water!" the man tells him.
"Squad! Get your dive gear on!" Severide yells as he runs over to the Squad truck while Boden tells Main they need more ambulances.
"You said you saw the accident, what happened?" Casey asks the man.
"A car hit several other cars up on Lake Shore Drive, rammed them over the barrier and into the water. The car that didn't go in is the one who rammed the other ones. I walked up to see if they were alright and smelled alcohol" the man tells Casey.
"Alright, thanks for the information!" Casey tells him walking away.
Casey sees Brett and Dawson working on the man that was in the car that rammed the others.
He turns around and sees that Severide and Capp are getting ready to head into the water.
After ten minutes, everyone from the cars is out of the water, but Severide is going back down to make sure no one has been missed.


At the Four Seasons, the event has ended.
Shaylynn and Rhodes head out and get into the limo. The limo driver drives down the street toward the lake.
Making it to the end of the street, Rhodes and Shaylynn see Fire Trucks and a lot of ambulances across the road.
"Driver, get us over there!" Rhodes tells him.


"Hurry up! Pull on the rope!" Capp yells.
Everyone gets their hands on the rope and starts pulling. In no time, they have Severide out of the water.
"Get his gear off!" Dawson shouts.
Capp, Cruz, and Tony hurry and pull of his gear. Brett and Dawson get to work trying to figure out what happened to him as a limo pulls up.
Everyone turns around to see Rhodes get out of the limo and run over.
"What's going on?" he asks Brett and Dawson.
"We don't know! Capp said Severide just stopped moving while he was underwater!" Dawson tells him.
"Mind if I check?" Rhodes asks Brett and Dawson.
"By all means!" Brett tells him.
Rhodes gets down on the ground to check Severide out while Shaylynn walks up to them.
Capp, Tony, and Cruz stare at her.
"Connor, what's wrong with Kelly?" Shaylynn asks him.
"He's having a heart attack!" Rhodes says, "We need to hurry and get him to Med!" he tells Dawson and Brett.
They run over to the ambulance to get the gurney.
"I'm going to Med with them!" Rhodes says looking up at Shaylynn.
"I'm going too!" she tells him.
"You can't fit in the ambulance with that dress on!" Rhodes tells her.
"What dress?!" Shaylynn says, "Tony, unzip me!"
Tony's eyes get big, but he starts unzipping the dress, while Capp runs off to the Squad truck. Shaylynn starts making her way out of the dress while Brett, Dawson, and Rhodes get Severide on the gurney.
Once she's out, Capp's beside her with Severide's turnout coat, "Here!" he tells her.
"Thank you, Capp! Would you please put the dress in the limo for me" she asks him as she puts on Severide's turnout coat.
"No problem!" Capp tells her.
"Thank you!" she yells back as she runs after Brett, Dawson, and Rhodes.
They load Severide into the back with Brett and Rhodes getting in with him.
Dawson runs to the driver side as Shaylynn gets in on the passenger side.
With sirens blaring, Dawson speeds off.
"Dawson, what's our ETA?" Rhodes yells at her.
"Five minutes! As long as people stay out of our way!" she yells back.
"You have to try and go faster! Kelly just flatlined!" Rhodes yells.
Dawson quickly looks over at Shaylynn and sees tears rolling rapidly down her face.


The End! 

Heat In The City (Raging Inferno) Ruling Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire/Chicago PD)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu