Chapter 20

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry that I didn't update but the site said that they were going on maintenance so I couldn't write anything and you guys could read because it was in'' Readers mode only'' So here I am writing right now. So enjoy the chapter and bye!

Last time:

  A second later his squad was there with half of the Konoha 10. The half was Ino, Shikamaru, Neji, Sakura, and Rock Lee. They started to move out of the Suna gates. Naruto in his mind bid goodbye to the village and hoped it would be safe before he left. His gaze then hardened and started to think about the job he would have to do.  

Chapter Start

Everyone started to move throughout the desert. Naruto looked at the sky trying to figure out what the time was. His gaze was met with an intense blaze that he was looking at. He stopped staring and quickly shook his head. He really didn't want to damage his eyes now. He got a Kekkei Genkai that he couldn't afford to lose. He then realized the pace that his traveling companions were going at. They didn't want to risk getting a sunburn from the searing heat that the sun was going to give them if they loitered at a place like this. They were moving silently until Sakura broke the silence with a question.

'' Did you guys ever see a person named Uzumaki Naruto in you village.?''

 The rest of the Konoha 5 stopped and looked at Sakura with a glare and a slight bit of hatred in their eyes except for Lee because it wasn't in his '' youthful'' nature. Naruto stiffened uncomfortably. Sakura noticing the glares piped up, 

'' Well?'' 

Naruto's teammate answered,'' No we haven't yet. Why do you want to know this? I'm just asking out of curiosity, just saying.'' 

Each of the Konoha 5 started to say something. 

'' He was the least deserving of what happened to him.''

'' It wasn't very youthful of what happened to him.''

'' He was one of my teammates I miss him.+''

Everyone glared at her for saying that.

Naruto then made a request,'' If you don't mind, will you tell us of what happened to this Uzumaki Naruto?'' 

Neji then closed his eyes and said,'' You might want to make yourself a little bit more comfortable in walking because this is a long-ass story. All of us are going to tell you what happened.''

The ANBU started to move slightly closer to the Konoha 5 in anticipation to hear what happened to their fellow ANBU.

'' It all started when.............


Naruto was laying unconscious with a Sasuke standing right next to him. He bent down and opened up Naruto's eyelids. He activated the Sharingan and activated his best Genjutsu which would put him in a world which would put him with what he wants but he would never get it. He then left the area with no one there. Kakashi soon gets there but in reluctance picks up and takes him to Konoha.( My first book was the Genjutsu) When he gets up he goes to Sakura's home. He knocks on the door and Sakura opens it up. 

'' Hey Sakura-chan I couldn't get Sasuke back. I'll do it next-''

'' Next? There is no next time! I know you didn't bring him back because you want to go out with me. My heart will always belong with Sasuke-Kun. The villagers were right about you: YOU ARE A DEMON! I WISH THAT IT WAS YOU THAT LEFT, NOT SASUKE-KUN!!!''

Sakura said that last part in tears and louder then ever. She then slammed the door on him. Naruto felt like someone told him that the Sandaime died because of him. Shikamaru heard the whole thing but decided not to bother. He headed over to him though. 

'' Yo, Naruto, the Godaime Hokage requested that everyone from the retrieval mission to meet her for a meeting with her.'' Naruto said nothing and followed him to the Hokage tower.

The other people in the mission were already there. The civilian council said with hatred,'' The demon decides to grace us with his presence.''


Koharu started to talk '' The people involved in this mission was at no fault but only Uzumaki Naruto was responsible for this failure. He put his teammates in danger and failed in bringing Uchiha Sasuke back to Konohagakure. His punishment is to be banished from Konoha!''

All of the civilians cheered as there demon would be gone from there sights forever. Naruto was in shock as he thought that they would maybe give him 2000 D-ranks or maybe a six month ninja ban license at most. He realized that his dream of being Hokage will die today. The others started to protest about this but Naruto put his hand up

''It's alright they have casted their vote and they don't want me anymore so I will comply with them. Hokage-sama since I'm leaving, I don't need this anymore.''

Naruto proceeded to take the necklace and put it on the table next to the chair that the Hokage was sitting on. Tsunade was trying to hold her tears back for this whole meeting and tell him what she thought in private before he left as well as she thought it was better for him to live in the outside world instead of living in this hellhole. When the necklace came the tears came out of her eyes involuntarily. Naruto looked in her eyes and saw the sincerity and smiled at her with a look that meant ' I know that you didn't want to do this. Thank you for that.' He then asked 

'' When do I leave?''

'' You have 30 minutes.'' 

With that, Naruto left to pack his things.

Naruto started to walk towards the gates. On his way there were people lined up and they started to throw rocks at him.

'' Finally, the demon's leaving''

He didn't flinch when every rock hit him. He only flinched when one hit his face. That was courtesy of Sakura.

'' Leave and never come back DEMON!''

Flashback End

It was only silence.

'' That's how the cookie crumbled'' 

One of the ANBU started to speak.

'' So is this all because of Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura?''

'' Pretty much''

Sakura started to squirm at the negativity aimed at her but then they realized that they were about 500 meters away from the gates of Konohagakure. 'Well' Naruto thought ' I'm back at the hellhole I never wanted to comeback to. Very fucking troublesome.'

Chapter end

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