things we felt; jealousy

Start from the beginning

"Fuck off."

Not for the first time, I wish I had been at the party when they fought. I knew I shouldn't have eaten that dodgy Mexican food that Louis gave me the night before. It ruined everything, including my digestive tract.

Nick clicks his tongue. "That's no way to treat your friends."

"Good thing we aren't friends then, aye?" Niall snaps, standing from his position on the couch. He shoves his hat back onto his head and turns his attention toward me. "Reese wants us to be seen entering the club together. He told me to come over so that we could."

"The party is tonight. It's barely lunchtime."

"My car got towed again. I had to get a ride from Liam, and he was going home to visit his family. I had to come early or else I had to walk across the city, and no thank you. I've already gotten hell from Jarvis, I don't need any more exercise."

I just stare at him. "Get out."

"If you don't mind me asking," Grimmy cuts in, and I just know he's going to make this worse. "When are you just going to screw each other to get all this pent up sexual frustration out? Because I think it needs to be soon."

"You're no help at all." I throw my empty Starbucks cup at him, and he catches it with a laugh.

"Well I should probably go before I'm beaten up. I'll see you lovebirds tonight." Nick smirks again, and sees himself out of my house.

"He's proper annoying."

"Just a bit." I agree. "But not as annoying as you are. Seriously," I begin to pick up around the living room while I speak. "Why are you here so early?"

"I already told you." He gives me a confused look, and I roll my eyes.

"Didn't I tell you to go hang out with Palvin?"

"Since when do I listen to what you tell me, Harry?" Niall snorts. "Barbara is going to be at Rita's party tonight with Cara and her girlfriend. I'll see her then."

With no argument, I just ignore him. He gets the hint and pulls out his phone to play on it.

The entire day goes like that. Niall plays on his phone, I clean around my house. At one point, I order Chinese food. (Without asking Niall if it's what he wanted. Why would I do that?) About an hour or so before the party, I head upstairs to get ready.

It dawns on me that Niall didn't have clothes with him to change into. I've no clue what he plans to do, but it's hardly my problem. I pull out a pair of jeans and one of my old band shirts. I could dress up, but something tells me that I would be an odd man out. I'll do my hair at least, but putting on a fancy shirt? Nah, I'm not doing that. No point putting in effort where effort is not needed.

I've just finished changing when there's a knock at my door. I turn to see Niall standing in the doorway, leaning against the the side. "Hey."

"What do you want?" I ask, grabbing my cologne off the dresser. I spray myself twice.

"Was bored. Figured, what the hell. I might as well come up here and bug you. May I?" He points to my unmade bed, and I shrug. He takes a few steps and proceeds to jump onto my black comforter. I roll my eyes as he rolls around to get comfortable.

"Is that all you wanted?"

"You've got no food in your kitchen. I didn't eat lunch, and I'm starving." He complains, grabbing a pillow and stuffing it under his head. He looks rather warm and relaxed on my bed- a stark difference to my stressed out self.

"I don't know what to tell you. The party is in an hour. Rita will have food."

"Louis said that you have a hidden stash of Kit-Kat bars somewhere in this room. Is that true?"

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