Chapter 6

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Just a heads-up, I've just set up a Twitter account for this (and other fanfics coming soon) and I'll be able to talk a lot more easily on there with you guys and keep you more up to date with my update schedules/directions, etc. Follow me at you_haventmetmeyet . There's a link in my profile too. Promo over :)

Tessa was embarrassed. She had woken up on the couch, wondering how she got there, then remembered and felt like gouging her eyes out. She had made such a fucking fuss, and in front of her dad too. She'd been weak.

The house was thankfully empty - Polly was in the bath upstairs - which allowed Tessa to escape without question. She kept her head down, hat pulled low over her eyes in case she bumped into any Blinders on the way to Jack's house. There was one person she recognised stationed outside.

"Let me through," Tessa pushed past him and opened the door.

Jack was sat on the stairs, expressionless.

"I've been waiting for you," he said.

Tessa let the door close slowly behind her.

"I... Is he alright?" Tessa asked.

Jack nodded up to the second floor.

"He's in Carrie's room. She hasn't left his side."

Tessa waited, holding her breath.

"They say he's gonna make it."

She released it, closing her eyes briefly. Jack's face didn't give anything away. He seemed so different, so stoic and flat. He was usually buzzing with energy.

"That's good."

"He has to go."

Tessa nodded, "It's for the best. Where are you going?"

"He's going to Surrey. We've got family down there."

"And you?"

"I'm staying here," he said resolutely.

Tessa frowned, "And the rest of your family?"

"Carrie's going with dad. Mum's staying. They're breaking up..." he grimaced. "Mum says she can't live with it anymore. With him. I can't leave her round here on own."

"I'm sorry, Jack."

There wasn't anything else to say, was there?

"You're the reason Dad's alive," he said bluntly. "He'd be rotting now."

"Eddie and Richie helped. Pol too."

"You shouldn't have done it," Jack said. "I shouldn't have asked you. Richie said you were out of it."

"Richie should keep his fucking mouth shut. You were right to

ask me. He's your dad. If our roles were reversed, I'd have no problem asking you to do something dangerous to help my dad. Family's more important than anything, Jack. Me and you have always seen eye-to-eye on that."

Jack stood up and stepped down to Tessa's level. Too quickly, his arms were around her. She froze, staying as still as possible as he hugged her. He pulled back.

"Thanks, Tessa."

She just stood there, completely confused and uncomfortable. But she knew why he had done it. It was a thing normal friends did, but were they friends? Richie, Eddie, and Jack weren't her friends, were they? Were all the people who worked with her family, friends?

"I'm gonna go," she said, clearing her throat. "Let me know if anything happens."

Jack nodded, "I might not be around for a bit. Just need some time together before we split up."

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