Soft on Rebellion - Chapter 4

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Tessa didn't say anything to Tommy the next day. She wasn't upset. She meant what she had said - the past was past. She knew that she was loved by her family, even if it had taken a while. Not remembering any of it helped, too.

Still, there was a miserable atmosphere in the Shelby household. Tommy was distant when was there, deep in thought, no doubt about one of the many pies he has his fingers in.

Even Pol seemed lost in thought, or memory. Tessa knew she'd had a tough time with men. She didn't even know if she had any children. She'd once asked but her immediately dropped it at the sadness that entered her aunt's eyes.

John and Arthur were moody, and Ada was a no-go, which left Tessa to her own devices. She'd spent some time down by the river but couldn't help thinking about the deal she'd made with the Italians every time she saw that spot she'd watched Danny Whizz Bang onto the boat.

It was purely by chance that she bumped into Daisy and Reg, coming out of the butchers. They'd bought the cheapest cuts; more gristle and bone than meat. They'd been hesitant to say hello but fell into a semi-easy conversation as Tessa walked with them back home.

"So have you set a day for going out?" Tessa asked as they arrived at their door.

Daisy blushed and looked away.

"She's backed out," Reg said.


She fiddled with the grocery bag.


"I just... don't think I'm ready for that yet."

"Okay," Tessa said. "But just so you know, I wouldn't let anything happen. And we'd go in the daylight if that would help."

"Yeah, thanks," she muttered quietly.

Reg nudged her, "Go on!"

"Fuck off, Reg."

The way she said it and her brother's reaction told her they didn't swear much, if at all.

He grumbled and waved a vague hand at Tessa.


She was rather amused by the boy's informality. Most people wouldn't dare talk to her like that. Something told her it wasn't bravery on the boy's part, but ignorance. He hadn't seen some of the things her family had done, and what she was capable of.

"Can you wait?" Daisy said quickly.

"Uh, yeah, no - "

Daisy didn't wait for her to finish her sentence as she dashed through the door and up the stairs. Tessa watched her go with mild surprise. She put her hands in her pockets and waited on the pavement. A couple of children sprinted towards her, veering off at the last minute so they didn't hit her.

"Sorry, Miss!" the girl shouted, and carried on chasing her friend.

The other girl ducked beneath a woman's skirts. The woman grumbled and pushed her away with a long-suffering moan.

"That's cheating Helen!"

Helen giggled and darted off up the street, dodging a shaggy stray dog.

Tessa really loved this city.


Tessa turned her attention to the girl who now stood in the doorway. Daisy had changed into a lilac dress and short cardigan. She had put her hair up quickly but it still looked leagues better than Tessa could do.

"You look nice."

Daisy nodded, "You wanna go? Before I lose my nerve?"

Judging by how white her knuckles were around her bag, Tessa guessed that would be fairly soon.

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