the pact | six.

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So, I did it again: looked him right in the face and denied it. "You know that I love you, but just not like that. I'm sorry, Bryce."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Shaking his head, he sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. "You should probably talk to your folks now, huh?"

And without another word he walked away, leaving me with nothing else to say. 


My emotions were threatening to burst like a dam, so I went outside for some air. I couldn't believe it. Maybe I was being selfish, but at this point I didn't care. Right when I finally got enough courage to tell Cass how I feel, she pulls the rug out from under me. And then had the nerve to say she doesn't feel anything romantic for me.

I know it's a lie. Her family saw it. The way she's looked at me in the past, the way she still does now...I know she has feelings for me. But for whatever reason, she's denying it. Maybe to protect herself, maybe because she's scared to ruin the friendship...I don't know.

"You know that I love you, but just not like that."  It stung. It hurt. Bad. Mostly because I couldn't force her to admit something that she wasn't willing to. I'd have to make peace with her statement, whether I liked it or not. I'd have to act like our friendship hadn't just drastically changed and likely would never be like it used to.

So much for the smooth transition I'd imagined a few days ago. Then again, I guess friends can break your heart, too.

I kicked a small rock in frustration, watching it skip a few feet away. Would crying be too melodramatic? Probably. Plus, I didn't cry. But I wanted to, or at least find the nearest wall and slam my fist into it.

And to think that we had to spend the next two days with each other, or at least nearby. I wasn't sure how much of it I'd be able to handle without it becoming extremely awkward, or downright unpleasant. But freezing Cass out also wasn't a good idea; she'd be even more upset than she already is, and I didn't want that to happen.

Screw my life, man.

What I really needed was someone to talk to. Someone not from the Davis clan, because all that would accomplish is frustrate me even more than I already was. I pulled out my phone, checked the time, and then dialed Jayson's number. The game was long over by now, but I didn't know if we'd gotten the W or not. Either way, I needed advice from the one guy I knew I could trust.

The phone rang twice before Jayson picked up. "Bryce! How's it going, man?"

"Hey, Jay. And I wish I could say they're going good. Did we win?"

"Uh-oh. And yup, 7-5. But what's going on over there? Did you tell Cass?"

"Yeah, but she practically blindsided me." I quickly relayed the story of what happened, hoping I didn't leave out any details. Jayson let out a low whistle in response. "Wow, and I thought I had a rough night. So what are you gonna do now?"

I sighed. "I don't know, man. We got a couple more days here and then it's back home. I'm just gonna give her space, see if she changes her mind about moving."

"And if she doesn't?"

I winced. "I don't wanna think about that."

"I feel you. But listen, it's probably best that you take a step back and reevaluate things. You guys spend so much time together, maybe you need some space apart."

That made sense. "I got you. Tomorrow I'll find something to do that doesn't bother her. I'm sure she's gonna want to spend more time with her fam, anyways."

"Right. And I wouldn't worry about the whole confession thing, man. She's got a lot going on emotionally, anything to do with romance she's probably got on the back burner. Give her time. I see how she looks at you, it's only a matter of time."

Another confirmation I so desperately needed. "Hope so. Thanks, Jay."

"No problem, buddy. Have a good night."

I ended the call and took a deep breath, exhaling it back out slowly. If it was only a matter time, I needed it to hurry up as soon as possible.

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