Chapter two: At the enemy's lair

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"You're asking what's my problem?! Seriously?! I got a flat tire, got wet in the rain, fainted because I didn't eat so I'll look good for that stupid photo shoot! A photo shoot that I wasn't able to attend to since I got stuck in here instead! You frigging undressed me and God knows what else you did! And don't frigging call me baby!" I screamed at him, tears started to fall on my cheeks. All the exhaustion is wearing me out. He hugged me unceremoniously and I didn't have the strength to protest. My stupid tears just won't stop from flowing.

"Hush now.. Baby, don't cry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." He cajoled while stroking my hair gently.

"D-don't c-call me B-aby." I croaked and sniffed in an unladylike manner. I felt rather than hear his chuckle on my face and oddly it made me calm down.

"OK, now you should eat before the food gets cold." He held my hand and ushered me to sit on the chair in front of a table full of different dishes. My mouth watered when I whiffed the delicious aroma of the dishes in front of me.


"Did you cook all of this?" I asked, astonished. The dishes tasted all good.

"Yeah. Do you like the taste?" He is sitting in front of me looking amused at my strong appetite while having his own fill. I'm eating more than I'm used to. My mom is going to kill me if she only knew how many calories I had eaten today.

"Honestly, yeah. They tasted really great. You cook like a mom." I blurted out and made him laugh.

"What's this dish called?" I pointed at the food that I'm chewing at the moment.

"That's chicken stew with olive and lemon. It's my fave Italian made Western dish."

"Hmm.. now, mine too." I whispered inadvertently and it made him smile.

"I can always cook for you if come and visit anytime." He offered. I suddenly went back to my senses after my stomach have been filled.

"No way! Visiting a guy's home is not in my list. That's insane!" I hissed incredulously. I'm surprised that I'm even having this conversation with a guy, even more in his home.

"I see. So, this is your first time in a guy's place?" He asked, looking pleased with the information.

"And this will be the last." I stood up. "Although, I don't like accepting any help from any guy, thanks. I need to go now. Where are my things?" I said steely and saw him shaking his head looking skeptical.

"Alright, I think you should go. It's already late anyway." He said while glancing at his watch. I instinctively glanced at my Chanel Camelia watch. It's past nine o'clock.

"Shit! Where's my phone? I need to call my mom. She'll fret!" I panicked.

"Actually while you were asleep, she called." He said, scratching his jaw. It seemed like a habit, I noticed.

"What?! Don't tell me you answered it?" He nodded. "Damn it! What did you tell her?"

"Don't panic. I didn't say anything bad. I just informed her that you weren't feeling well and is resting in my place so you can't come--"

"What?! You told her I'm in your house?! Are you crazy?!" I'd gone hysterical. My mom has been dying to make me go on a date since she knew that I'm a man hater and now that she knew I'm with a guy, she'll definitely pester me to meet him or even date him. This is a real dilemma.

"What's wrong with it? I just told her the truth so she won't worry." He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"You're damn right she's not worried. It's the other way around!" I hissed and left him to retrieve my things in his room. His place is really beautiful, but I don't have the leisure time to admire it.

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