Chapter Nine. Crazy.

Start from the beginning

Father's a business man, taking care of the family's company. He builds stuff, sells houses, things like that, all over US, and also in Canada.

I still remember going on business trips with him when I was on vacation from school, and sit down in his office watching TV while he was in a meeting. When I grew up a bit more, I even helped him with a few projects. But when I started training, I didn't have that much of time to be with him.

And my mother... Well, I think that since my father found out that I could be the child he always dreamed to have, someone he could share everything with, I ended up being more with him, than with her. This way, we didn't have that thing a daughter has with a mother.

I was 12 when she wanted to divorce my father. Her reason was simple: they worked too much, my father owned a company, and she had a big model agency, they had no time together, so there was no love there anymore. 'It's better this way', she said.

The judge decided that I'd be better staying with my father than I'd be with her, so I lived in Ohio with him and she moved to Michigan, then to somewhere in Europe.

My mother always hated the fact that my father was slowly turning me into this tomboy, and to change that, she decided that getting me girly stuff would help. Dolls, make up, pink shit... I'd thank her, as a good girl dad taught me to be, turn around and find a place to hide it inside my messy room, then I'd never see it again because eventually my father would throw it away.

Family always been a pain in the ass, specially my mom's side. I'd always hear them telling my mom that I'd turn out to be a lesbian if she didn't stop what my father was doing. My grandmother hated my father for that.

It was only when I was nine and came back crying because Jimmy, my childish crush and best friend, told me that he liked the girl I hated the most. Mom whispered a 'thank God!' and hugged me, while telling me it was his loss. And then I made it clear to my family when I started fangirling over my favorite wrestlers. I never really understood why it'd be such a problem if I liked girls.

I ended up laughing a bit when I remembered the day I met Shawn Michaels backstages. Next Sunday my whole family was home, and I showed everyone the pic of him kissing my cheek, and told them how he called me 'gorgeous'.

"Daydreaming with an irish fella?" AJ asked, twirling the tip of her hair with her finger, a smirk on her face.

"Not really." I finished lacing up my boots. "Just remembering life back home." I shrugged.

"Miss your dad?"

"A lot." I forced a smile and sighed. "But I'll try to head back home to see him." I smiled, starting to stretch.

"Don't waste your time. No matches today." AJ sighed.

"What?! Why not? What about the one we had yesterday? It was great!" I stared at her, starting to get a bit frustrated.

"They're having Tamina and Eva. Y'know, trying the new girl." She rolled her eyes.

"Bullshit." I sighed. "Sometimes, like right now, I really understand Punk and feel like doing exactly the same: packing up and leaving. Only if I didn't have a lot to do here." I sighed.

"I feel you." She shook her head. "Well, at least we'll be out there. I'll go out with Tamina and you're out with the guys."

"Only if they have The Shield tonight, anyway."

"Sometimes I feel like killing the board of directors." She ran a hand through her hair. "Let's calm down." She shook her head.

"You're right." I took a deep breath. "Let's see who's out there, shall we?" I smiled.

We walked to the gorilla to look at the match card.

"So, let's see... Justin Gabriel and Zig, Henry and Show... Woah, classic. Shea and Christian," she smirked at me, "Tamina and Eva and then we have The Shield with 3MB." She looked at me.

"Why are they putting us against 3MB? Like... Uh?" I rose a brow, not that I had anything against them, and they were good wrestlers, but they were literally buried and that could mean something, or they were just putting it like... For no reason at all? Being random because we had no one else. Whatever.

"Y'know, house shows are this random sometimes. Mostly." She shrugged. "It's Show and Henry now, wish I could watch, they always put up a great match."

"Same. Let's just sit here and wait for you and Tamina to go out there, then I'll go find the boys."

"Alright. Man, can't believe we're going home tonight." She pouted. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, girlfriend." I pouted as well. "I guess I could try going to Chicago on Saturday... Spend a while with you and Punky."

"That would be awesome!" She clapped her hands. "You should totally do that!"

"Do what?" A familiar voice spoke and I knew exactly who it was, before he chuckled.

"Have a weekend in Chicago with me and Punk." AJ shrugged.

"Can you add my name to the list so you can spend the weekend in Tampa?" He smirked.

"Oh, Shea. This list's only for me." AJ rolled her eyes, throwing her arms over my shoulders and kissing my cheek, I just laughed.

Big Show's theme went off and then Shea let out a loud breath that he seemed to be holding.

"I guess it's me now. See ya' ladies later." He said, smiling at AJ and winking at me, before walking to the gorilla.

Henry and Show passed through him, talking and laughing, maybe about the match, before Sheamus' theme started to play.

Christian's theme was already playing for a few seconds when he ran through us to the gorilla, fixing his gear and yelling 'LATE! GET OUT! GET OUT!' so everyone would get out of his way.

Me and AJ watched as he stopped a little, took a deep breath and passed through the curtain. We exchanged glances before bursting into laugh. This is what you see here. These dudes are literally a bunch of crazy weirdos.

"Maybe he needed to go to the bathroom." AJ said, still laughing.

"That or he forgot he had a match." I held my stomach, trying to breath. "For Hades, these people are crazy! Maybe more than us!"

"What? Nanana! We're still on the top." She shook her head.

"Hey, wait! I had an idea!" I smirked.


Just wanna say I love this little idea of the wrestlers being a bit goofy and all haha just like Christian in here <3 

So, how's been everyone's week so far? :D 

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{originally published april 06, 2016}

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