Chapter 14

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"Wait...what?" I ask.

"Well you wouldn't usually get an invitation without a sponsor and well I want to sponsor you," Dante said.

"Sponsor? What do you mean sponsor me? Sponsor me for what?" I ask shocked.

"I haven't been quite honest with you, Rose," Dante responds cautiously.

"Don't tell me you're a prince too?" I say laughing.

"Wait, Logan told you he is the Crown Prince of Vellanca?" Dante asked.

"Yes, I know he wasn't supposed to tell me but I guess he didn't want to hide who he really is anymore," I respond.

"Wow. Logan likes you more than I expected," Dante said as he scratches his head.

"Logan likes me?" I ask Dante.

"Well, anyways..." Dante changes the subject quickly, "I am a Prince. Not from Vellanca. I am the Crown Prince of Solaria. However, I don't have a sister old enough to marry the Crown Prince. Instead, we can sponsor any woman we choose. My parents trust my judgment and well I pick you. I want to sponsor you, Rose." Dante responds.

"Wow. I mean I am honored, but I still have a lot of questions. Like why aren't you getting married? Why sponsor me?" I go off talking quickly as if my words were vomit.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, Rose! There will be a time where I can answer all your questions. However, I will answer one of your questions right now. I want to sponsor you, because believe it or not, I saw the connection you guys have from the dance floor. No one wanted to interrupt you two. Honestly, Logan is my best friend. He's like a brother to me. He may not want to admit it, but I know what it's like having so many responsibilities hovering over you and having to make the right decisions because everyone will be watching your every move. I believe you have what it takes to keep Logan happy and to be Queen of Vellanca. I don't want him to lose that zest for life." Dante tells me.

"Queen? Me? But I'm a nobody. I know nothing about royalty. I never even knew kingdoms such as Solaria or Vellanca existed. How can I run a country being a simple waitress?" I said as I started to feel dizzy.

"I know this is a lot to take in but you can stay here waitressing with your horrible boss. Or you can take this once in a lifetime opportunity to a different country. Explore what more there is in the world. You could fall in love and marry a Prince, Rose!" Dante exclaims. "There isn't much more time to waste my private jet takes off in an hour. I need an answer now!"

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