To The Royal Capital

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A couple days later, after Asta showed Sister Lily and the priest her new grimoire, the two of them were baffled and they decided to have it checked by the tower master to see if it was authentic. At the tower, the tower master searched the magic book over and when he was done, he looked at the two of them and said, "It seems to be pretty authentic to me. I think young Asta has a chance."

Sister Lily smiled glad to know that Asta will make it in the magic world, but the priest argued, "But what if she doesn't survive? She could pretty much burn down a whole town if she doesn't have Yuno to contain her seal!"

The tower master looked over to the priest and said, "Young Yuno and young Asta are grown up now to make their own choices, Father. Yuno knows that he can't contain Asta forever and Asta knows that she's gonna have to work on controlling her magic eventually."

The priest began to argue back, but the tower master held up his hand and dismissed them and as they were walking away, the priest was crying how Asta is too innocent and fragile to survive and that Yuno is strong enough to protect everyone. Back in the village, Asta was doing her usual workout in the first underneath the demon skull with the statue of the first wizard king on it. While she was working out, Asta began to imagine the adventures she's gonna go on now that she has a grimoire.

When she got back to the church, most of the church's kids ran up to her and began to ask if they could see her grimoire or if she and Yuno are really leaving them. However, Nash clicked his teeth and walked away sulking. That night, everyone was having a tato dinner to celebrate Asta and Yuno's final day with them. The priest began to cry tears of both sadness and joy hoping that Yuno would succeed or if Asta would give up and come back to Hage village. Not wanting to be a part of the festivities anymore, Nash got up and headed outside.

Noticing the young boy looking distressed, Asta got up and followed him. When she found him behind the church, Asta asked, "Are you okay Nash?"

Nash clicked his tongue, looked at Asta with a glare and said, "Do you really think I'm okay? You're leaving and yet you're still stuck on that silly dream on becoming the Wizard King! When are you going to wake up and realize that, Asta?!"

Asta walked over, petted Nash's head and said with a small smile, "It may be silly to you, but it's what I actually want to do. Yuno and I made this vow to see which of us would become the Wizard Kind first! And I swear that I'm not gonna lose to that handsome jerk!"

"Sounds like you like him if you call him handsome all the time," Nash said with a smirk.

Asta blushed at his comment and shouted, "I do not! I see him as a brother, okay?! A brother!"

Nash waved it off and said, "Whatever. Besides, you're the one I'm gonna marry someday anyway!"

Asta then blushed even deeper and ran away while shouting, "You little pervert!"

That night, Asta tossed and turned trying to get some sleep thinking about her trip to the royal capital tomorrow. She let out a sigh and thought, when we get there, the first thing I'm gonna do is sign up for the Magic Knight's exam. I'll become one of them and then, I'm gonna get stronger! However as she was thinking that, Yuno rolled over, hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear, "I'll become a knight before you, Asta."

Asta blushed a deep red, took her pillow and whacked Yuno so hard on his head that she passed out and Asta clutched her blanket tightly over her so neither Yuno nor Nash would try any funny business. The next morning, Yuno and Asta woke up bright and early, got dressed, packed their bags with essentials, had a quick breakfast made by Sister Lily and soon they were standing outside the church with Sister Lily, the children and the priest who took them in standing in front of the two teens to see them off.

Asta then grinned brightly and said, "Well, we're off to the capital!"

The children gathered around Yuno and Asta wishing them good luck and telling them that they'll miss them. The priest then approached Asta and said to her, "Remember Asta, you can always come back if it doesn't work out."

Asta tilted her head and said, "I'll be fine old man. You should stop worrying about me."

Suddenly, Asta felt Yuno pull her towards him and he said, "I'll make sure she's okay, sir."

Asta blushed deeply when she felt Yuno's warmth and she pushed herself away from him and she shouted, "Stop doing that!"

Suddenly, Asta felt someone pull on her coat and she looked down to see it was Nash and she knelt down and asked him what he wanted and it was then that the young boy kissed her cheek and she screeched and pulled away while blushing and rubbing her cheek. Nash then smiled and said, "Just a reminder in case you forgot cause I too have a vow. To be strong too and to make you my wife, Asta!"

Yuno let out a small laugh and said, "Not a chance. Asta is gonna marry me."

"Will we stop talking about whose wife I'm gonna be! Let's go," Asta shouted and soon they headed out while waving to their small family back at the church who was also waving goodbye to them.

Once they were far away enough from the village, Asta and Yuno were walking side by side when Asta decided to speed up to get ahead of Yuno. However, Yuno was doing the same thing just to get a rise out of her and sure enough it did cause Asta screamed and started to run a head of Yuno and Yuno smirked and thought, I like when I do that. As they were walking down the path, the two teens made frequent rest stops before they started to go again. When night fell, Asta would sleep far away enough from Yuno, but because the night air was cold, Yuno chose to snuggle up with her to keep her warm.

The next day, Asta and Yuno hunted a boar and cooked it and while they were eating, Asta commented that she wished the others at the church would try it and Yuno odder in agreement. By mid-afternoon, the sun was high in the sky and Yuno rubbed the sweat off his forehead. Asta offered him her canteen and he gratefully accepted it. But when he took a swig from it, he spat out the grass juice Asta made and Asta complained that she worked really hard to make it. When night fell again, Asta did the same thing on the first night and she shivered from the drop in temperature and like before, Yuno snuggled close to her and Asta leaned into his warmth.

On the third day, after they cleaned up and had a quick breakfast, Asta and Yuno set out again knowing they were closer to the capital. As soon as they came across a river, Asta rolled up her sleeves and pants ready to cross it, but however Yuno picked her up bridal style and he walked across the river while holding Asta in his arms. As soon as they were across, Yuno set Asta down and Asta shouted, "Why the hell did you do that Yuno you jerk!"

"If you slipped on a rock, your clothes would be soaked through and then it would attract unwanted attention in the capital," Yuno said and Asta blushed deeply and she turned around and walked away with a humph and Yuno chuckled and followed her.

By mid-afternoon, Asta and Yuno began to climb a hill that lead to the capital and Asta started to pant heavily and she took out her canteen to drink more of grass juice, but only a few drops came out. Asta then sat back, let out a sigh and said, "That's it! I'm gonna rest here for a while!"

Yuno stopped, looked at Asta and said, "But Asta, we're so close. We can't stop now."

Asta laid back and said, "Just go ahead without me Yuno! I'll catch up in a few minutes!"

Yuno didn't want Asta to be alone especially since they were so close to the royal capital. And if he also left her alone, she would attract the attention of bandits and wild animals who will take advantage of her. He then knelt down to Asta's level showing her his back and he looked at her and said, "Get on."

Hesitating, Asta began to debate whether she should or not, but she knew that she had no choice and she climbed onto Yuno's broad back, wrapped her arms around his neck and as soon as he stood up with his arms under her legs and they set off again. After an hour of trekking up the hill, Asta and Yuno finally reached the top of the hill and after Asta got off of Yuno's back, the two teens looked and saw the Clover Kingdom's royal capital before them.

Asta's eyes went wide and she smiled and shouted, "All right! We made it!"

It was then that the two teens knew that next, as soon as they entered the city, they would have to sign up for the magic knight's exam.

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