Chapter Ten

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I made sure the last things were ready for the party, finishing setting up the buffet and drink bar, as well as a little water heater for things like tea, hot chocolate, or anything else like that.

"Romeo, come on! You've got to get ready before the dance!" My mom called from her room, where she was packing a bag. "Your father an I will be gone before your party, but that doesn't mean the rules would be any different, our room is to stay locked!"

My dad walked passed me from the living room and laughed. "Leave him be, Carla. Let the boy grow. He knows the big rules, so let's leave it there."

I checked my watch quickly, seeing that it was 6:21 PM. I still have time for a shower, and I picked out my clothes yesterday. I grabbed my dress shirt and pants and ran towards the bathroom, hugging my mom and dad before I got in.

"Have fun guys! I'll make sure that nothing explodes!" I called, disappearing into the bathroom.

I hung up the shirt and pants, then turn the shower water on. Hopefully the steam will take any wrinkles out of my clothes. I took off my jeans and t-shirt, stepping into the hot water, slightly burning my skin on first contact.

Ok, so the plan is this. I'll go to the dance, find the guys, hang out with them until they split into couples, then find Athena, hang out with him, take him back to my place, then start the party. It's useless to have a plan for the party, because I know that won't last for long.

I got out of the shower, the air feeling cold, and used a towel to dry off before putting on a white undershirt, my white dress shirt, and my black pants. Walking into my room, I grabbed a basic black jacket to go over everything, nothing super formal.

Check the time, Romeo. 6:45 PM, I've got time. If I get there too early, nothing will be going on yet. I checked my hair in the mirror on my door, spiking it up slightly to make it look a little neater than my usual messy style.

After sitting down and watching some videos for a bit, I checked my watch again. 7:10 PM. Alright, now I can go, make it before 7:30, and be awesome. The king must watch over his kingdom. Maybe I am a narcissist...

I got in my car, a basic looking bright sea blue compact, and began driving down to the school. On the way there, I saw the cars of some people that I recognized. It's somehow nice to see all the people coming. Maybe it's because I understand how much it takes to organize these events. I didn't do this dance, but most I help with.

Pulling into the parking lot, I found an open spot and made my way up the stairs of the front door. Inside, there are signs leading to the ticket counter for the dance. I placed my ticket down and signed in, entering the gym afterwards to be greeted with streemers, bright colorful lights, and loud dance music.

I looked around until I saw Chris, Franklin, Andrew, and the rest of the guys. "Yo! What's up?"

Andrew looked over after I called and smiled. "Hey, look who it is! We've been waiting, bro!"

"Well, most of us, Franklin was flirting around earlier." Chris mentioned.

"You can't stop love." The goalie laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "If anything, that's lust."

"Can't stop that either." He burst into a fit after saying.

The rest of the guys laughed as they sat around drinking punch and making jokes. With as much fun as we were having, it's hard to think that it would end, but if course, it did.

"Chris!" I heard a girl call.

He turned just as a girl in pig tails tackled him in a hug. "Oh, hey Sarah. What's up?"

"You said tonight would be about us, soooooo... Ditch your friends and come dance." She commanded.

Chris sighed and looked at us sadly. "Well... Wish me luck."

"You're gonna need it." Franklin chuckled. "Don't get turned into a frog or anything."

"Shut up, Frank, nobody was talking to you." Sarah snapped.

He glared at her. "I prefer Franklin and you know it, so you can just shut your face."

The girl's eyes flared like fire, but she just grabbed Chris by the wrist and dragged him off without another word. Poor guy, she really will kill him.

Over the next hour, the group got smaller and smaller. Of course the first to go was Franklin, that is no surprise at all. After that, each of us left one by one until it was just Andrew, myself, and one other guy.

"Well then, let's party, lads!" Andrew shouted.

Just before he could move, a hand landed on his shoulder. "You should party. With me, that is." A girl said, her hair a dark red and orange like fire. Obviously it was colored, but Andrew was interested none the less.

"Umm... Hey there." He whispered out. "May I have this dance?"

The girl smiled and they both left, leaving me with someone I wasn't really familiar with in the slightest.

"So..." I started. "What a dance, right?" I asked, the guy leaving without saying a word. Wow, thanks dude.

I walked through the crowd, not having much else to do, and looked for Athena. He's gotta be here, right? He said he would be. Glancing off to the side, I spotted Henry standing by the punch bowl.

Walking over, I heard him muttering under his breath. "Why am I even here..?"

"Hey, Henry." I called, walking over to him. "What's up?"

The average sized guy smiled. "Thank the gods above, I have been given a miracle: someone to talk to."

"Wait, why aren't you hanging out with Julian like usually?" I asked, him pointing to the dance floor with his thumb.

"Julian has other things on his mind right now. And on his body. And probably tightening the space in his pants." Henry said in a plain tone.

I looked at what he was talking about and froze. Julian was in the colored lights in the center of the room, surrounded by couples, slow dancing with Warren, the two of them softly smiling to each other.

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