Surface in Detemmination

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This chapter would of been out earlier if it wasn't for a little bit of writers block
Frisk wakes up alone and wonders where Chara is, she gets up and goes into the front room "good morning my child." "Morning kiddo" "Morning mom, and Sans? Why are you here?" "Chara told me once you woke up to teleport you to the area where you were yesterday." "O ok then but can I eat first?" "Sure kiddo I'll just tell Chara that you are awake." "Ok thank you," after Frisk eats Sans teleported her to where Chara was "thanks Sans" "Hello Chara good morning" "good morning and Sans for doing this here to pay for whatever you get at grilby's." "Thank you o by the way Papyrus is trying to calm Undyne down, so you won't be bothered by her for awhile." "Thanks for the information Sans and goodbye" "cya later" Sans teleported "ok before you got attacked yesterday I haven't shown you the best place in this area yet, it mixes Hotlands and Waterfall together, just follow me and be careful" Frisk nods and follows Chara "here hold onto my hand, this part of this area is really not that stable to walk on" Frisk then stepped on a loose rock which made her wabble and she yelled Chara before falling Chara caught her just in time "gotcha" Chara pulled Frisk up and held her hand tight to make sure she didn't fall again after walking past the unstable part of the path they were nearing the area where Chara was bringing Frisk. Frisk looked over to see a faint purple light shinning in the entrance of the area, they walk through it "Whoa this is so beautiful" Frisk was looking at the intertwining waterfalls mixed with the lavafalls "Hey Frisk come over here and sit down Frisk sits down next to Chara while Chara texted Sans "ok now" "gotcha" "Hey Chara who were you just texting?" "You'll find out soon enough" Sans then appeared and used his telekinesis to lift both of them Frisk got scared and held onto Chara Sans lifted them to an area that was close to the roof "by the way I found that first area but Sans found the ledge up here and this is the most beautiful sight other than you that the Underground has to offer" Frisk hugged and kissed Chara "Thank you for showing me this area" after sitting and gazing for about three hours Sans teleported them in front of gerson's shop, "thanks Sans" "no problem, cya" they wave goodbye and Chara told Frisk to follow her after about fifteen minutes they made it to where the lights are off "Um Chara I can't see anything why are we here?" " trust me there are lights here just gotta flick these lightshrooms" after flicking it it made a small noise and a path opened up they kept following it until they had to go up "hold on Frisk go down again" they enter an area where they can hear monsters roaming around, one approaches Frisk "hoi I'm temmie" another one approaches "hoi I'm temmie I would like for u tu met mah friend he is ovur there" "hoi I'm temmie don forget mah friend" "hi I'm bob" "hello Temmies and Bob I'm Frisk" after a few hours of playing with the Temmies Frisk falls asleep with the Temmies that are on her. "Haha she is so cute looking like that "Chara thought, a few minutes after Frisk fell asleep Chara fell asleep next to her, four hours pass and the Temmies are over on the other side of the room playing some sort of game with Tammie flakes, Chara wakes up and decides to wake Frisk up and they say goodbye to the Temmies and leave the area "so where are we going to go to now?" "We are going to Hotlands, by the way it's really hot there so you might want to take off your sweater once you get there." Frisk nods and after they make it past the sign that says Welcome to Hotlands Chara stops "ok we are about to reach Hotlands so might as well take off our sweaters for the unbearable heat," Frisk nods and the both take off their sweaters and tie them around their waists, and they enter Hotlands. Frisk runs ahead but gets exhausted fast and stops near the edge of a cliff to look over to see The Core "Hey Chara what's that?" "that's The Core, The Core supplies power to all of The Undergroud" Chara starts to walk away "C'mon I want to show you Alphys' Lab," Chara turn around to see Frisk rocking back and forth and she falls over the edge of the cliff, Chara slides down the mountain after her and she caught her just in time but her leg got burned from the intense heat. "Phew that was close but how am I going to get back up?" Chara looks around for a place she could climb back up but couldn't find anywhere she could climb up at, she then called Sans but he didn't answer "C'mon Sans the one time I really need you" she then called Papyrus "Hello, The Great Papyrus speaking" "Papyrus, get Sans quick Frisk fell near a cliff in Hotlands but I caught her just in the nick of time before going into the lava, and I don't know how long I can keep holding on" "gotcha Sans will be on his way." Papyrus goes to Grilby's and opens the door fast "Sans! Frisk and Chara are in trouble they are in Hotlands, Frisk fell down a cliff and Chara caught her but her leg got burned, and Chara doesn't know how long she can hold on anymore." "Gotcha" Sans teleported to his stand in Hotlands he looks over and noticed the two how close they actually were to dying "Chara, Frisk don't worry I'm here" "hurry Sans I'm losing my grip" Sans quickly used his telekinesis to pull the two up to safety, "Sans we need to get Frisk help, her leg got burned because of the lava" as she was explaining this they got teleported into their home "Tori no time to explain Frisk got hurt" "O my" Toriel runs to their room "Chara what happened?" "Heal her and I'll tell you." Toriel starts healing Frisk "so first off Frisk ran off once we reached Hotlands, and I followed but at a slower pace, she stopped at the edge of a cliff, I turned my back away from her and told her that I wanted to show her Alphys' Lab, but when I didn't hear her respond I turned back around and seen her rocking back and forth, when I was walking back towards her she fell down the cliff, I went down after her and caught her but her leg got burned, i tried to look for a way back up but I couldn't find any so I tried to call Sans, but he didn't pick up, so I called his brother, and he told Sans and Sans found us, saved us and brought us here." "What a terrible accident but Sans thank you for saving them but if they try to call you again pick up the phone." "Sorry guys it was to loud to hear in Grilby's with all of the noise that was going on." "Don't worry about it Sans at least you got to us in time, That's all I care about." Sans nods and teleported back to Grilby's "Hey Chara go and get Asriel for me really fast and get bandages," Chara nods and goes to get Asriel and the bandages, they come back "alright Asriel you wanted to learn more about healing magic right?" Asriel nods, "ok come here, first put your hands over the area you want to heal, and focus your power to take the pressure off of the area, and use your fire magic to fully close the area not to much only a tenth of your fire magic will do" Asriel does this "Chara cover the area with the bandages. Chara does thius "and that's how healing magic works, alright you two time for bed since Frisk is out being exhausted, Chara I'll help you lift her back onto the bed, ready three, two, one lift," they lift frisk back onto the bed and Chara lays back down next to Frisk Asriel goes to bed and they all say goodnight and fall asleep

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