10.Taylor's girlfriend?

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  *Payton's POV&Thoughts*

Finally the movie has finished. since we had to leave for magcon tomorrow we all went to bed right after the film ended.We all decided to have our little sleepover in the livingroom, goodnights were said around the room

"goodnight beautiful" Matt whispered in my ear as he pulled me closer to him.

"Goodnight handsome" I whispered back to him.


We didn't really need to rush because the flight only takes 4hrs but we had to be early just incase of the fans.

We all ate breakfast and got everything ready, we got changed, and loaded the trunk with our suitcases.

  *Leia's POV&Thoughts*

Today was the day were flying to San Diego, the day that I meet all the boys. From their vines and What Payton had told me they are really nice. I got dressed, I was wearing a red magcon hoodie and shorts, I didn't know What to do with my hair so I put it in a messy bun.

We got everything ready and we were on our way to the airport, the car ride was halerious, we sand songs and made vines. I made sure that I wasn't in any of them just incase I would get hate from the fans. We got to the airport and luckily there was only a few fans to say Hello and bye. I got some dirty looks ands rude comments from some of the girls I got

"Who is she?"

"why she with them?"

"Ugh! Is that Taylor's girlfriend?  Shes so ugly!" First of all why would they say that... They Don't even know me and second do I look old enough to date Taylor? I ignored What they were saying and just walked past them.

We got our bags , passport and everything checked, we were a bit early so Taylor and Matt decided to for meet some fans before we go, me and Payton just say down and chatted

"Flight 10 flying to San Diego leaving in 10minutes please board the plane now. Thank you."

"Matt Tay! were leaving!" Payton shouted and they said their goodbyes to the girls. We boarded the plane, Matt and Payton sat next to eachother(obviously) me and Taylor sat next to eachother. luckily I got the seat next to the window, I love seating next to the window I get to see the amazing view.

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