Chapter 1- The Escapee

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Brother and sister, Lorelai and Anthony sat side by side on the table, Lorelai kicking her legs back and forth. The soon to be mother woke up and stared directly at Lorelai. "Who are you?" The mother asked.

"You're not supposed to see me yet..." Lorelai responded, cocking her head to one side.

The lady screamed, "DOCTOOOR. I THINK IT'S HAPPENING!!!" Just then she winced in pain. She opened her eyes, and Lorelai was gone.

Anthony was just as confused as Lorelai, but chose not to say anything.

After a few minutes, the siblings heard the baby crying, and the mother's heart monitor nearing to a flatline. Lorelai's scythe appeared as she straightened her skirt. "It's always sad when this happens."

Anthony glanced at her. "It keeps things in balance. Would you rather her live or the entire world be torn apart because the barrier between life and death itself would be torn apart at the seams. That's kind of why we exist. To keep things in check."

"Well thank you Mr. Exposition..." Lorelai stretched her back and watched as the woman's spirit left her body.

"You're the girl I saw. What happened to your eyes?" The lady inched closer.

"Oh if you think that's the only problem just look behind you!" Lorelai responded quite happily.

The lady whipped around suddenly, she saw herself there, the sound of the flatline echoing over the babies faint cries. Lorelai could see Anthony calming the child, but he was completely invisible to the deceased mother. A tear fell down her face. "Are you the Grim Reaper?" She asked in a shaky voice.

Lorelia pouted, "You really think I'm grim??? I thought that was my brother.. I thought I was happy!" She looked down to her bright yellow outfit.

"Your brother is the Grim Reaper?" She gently asked, obviously still in shock.

"Nope! My brother is the opposite of me! He gives life and I help people cope with the cold hard reality that they're dead!" Lorelai rocked on her heels.

"MY BABY!!!" The horror of leaving a baby alone finally sunk into the woman's mind. Her child was left alone. She fell to the ground and started to sob. Lorelai sensed something, she couldn't quite place it. As the mother sobbed, the grew stronger. What was It?

"It's time to go..." Lorelai hid her scythe behind her back.

The sobbing stopped immediately. It grew even stronger all of a sudden. The mother laughed. And laughed. "No... I will not leave my baby." she started to glow purple.

Lorelai jumped back. "It's time to go, now." She said sternly.

"NO!!!" The mother lashed out, purtle light forming a whip, which she used to strike Lorelai across her face. Now other people have tried to punch Lorelai before, but it has never been successful. Until now. Lorelai held her cheek. Anthony finally looked up to see this. He couldn't do anything. This was Lorelai's relm. No. He had to do something. He jumped and tried to touch the mother's spirit... then remembered. He couldn't. He phased through her. She laughed more. And more. "I will not leave my child alone. Ever" and with that, she ran.

The siblings looked at each other, there was an unaccounted spirit running around the world. Lorelai rubbed at her new cut, physical pain was new to her. She didn't like it. Tears of blood formed in her gray eyes. Anthony held her close. "We'll deal with this together." He tried to comfort her.

((A/N) this is my first story (it's written by my friend so technically her story) so I really hope you like it. Sorry for this I know that no one reads these but I just REALLY hope everyone loved this chapter as much as I did :))

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