Chapter 24: The Witch

Start from the beginning

Tears seeped out of my eyes and my head just fell due to the shock.

They're fighting... to save me?

I couldn't control the tears anymore. They fell continously like waterfalls. I felt so relieved for some reason. I feel happy. I feel hope. I feel saved.

But I know how strong Heina, Koujiro, Brad and Hibika are. Will they be alright?

I shook my head. What was I thinking? Of course they will be. I have faith in them. I believe in them.

I want to be saved. I don't want everything to end this way. I... I want to stay with Fairy Tail!

Suddenly, my head was forced to look up and straight into the red eyes of Ryuu who was glaring at me like a demon. His stare sent shivers all over my spine and it made my tears of joy turn easily into tears of fear.

"Aka... you're never going back to them. You're going to stay here, sacrifice yourself and bring Lady Dracul back to life," he uttered in a voice of certainty... as if it was already my faith, that no matter what I do it'll happen.

I shifted my sight deeper into the cave. I turned to look at the giant beautiful ruby-like gem that was made by my own blood.

Inside... there lays Chi.

Ryuu let goes of my head and goes back to the opening of the cave. Watching the clouds and birds move away once again with such an angry face.

"You're still not that hungry... we can't start the ritual now."


"Not bad little candle," Hibika wiped her mouth as she was unable to dodge Natsu's attacks. Two times in a row she was hit and it dealt great damage!

"Running low now, Hibika?" Natsu teased, toying with a fire ball he created with his own hand, "I suggest you tell me where Aka is now so this won't get any worse."

Hibika bit her lip with a smile playing on it, which gave Natsu shivers, "Ugh, why are you looking at me like that? Do you like me or something?!"

"Don't push your luck!" Hibika immediately reacted, "Ugh," she then rolled her eyes, sent one big chomp to her lower lip hard enough to make her bleed and spitted it out towards Natsu's direction.

It went just centimeters away from the side of his head and a big thump was heard just a few seconds after. Natsu slowly turned around to find a ball almost the size of a bullet hit the tree's trunk.

"Ahaha..." his enemy laughed as a slurping sound followed, she was readying to shoot.

"Everyone! Get down!" Natsu warned and everyone did as he said.

Hibika let loose a storm of blood bullets all around. Even if they were all crouched up at the ground, covering their heads with their arms... they would still be hit in the arm, in the legs, on their sides. No one was safe.

But it was only a matter of time when Hibika would run out of blood. She had suddenly stopped, causing Lucy to look up and let her guard down.

"Got 'ya, Blondie," suddenly, Hibika spit once more, shooting a bullet targeted straight at Lucy.

Lucy was too shocked to move. The bullet was flying in a speed that was undodgeable even if she did.


Blood splattered on the ground and a big thump proceeded.

Everyone had wide shocked eyes; Natsu, Wendy, Happy, Charles... and Lucy.

Kuro shielded Lucy from the attack! She jumped in front of Lucy causing the blood bullet to hit her side.

"Tsk," Hibika just clicked her tongue, "What a stupid cat! Serves her right!"

Everyone except for Natsu ran to Kuro's side. Charles, Happy, Wendy and Lucy all having tears in their eyes.

"I-I' m going to heal her! S-stand back everybody!" Wendy announced in panic, placing her hands hovering just on top of Kuro.

"Idiot! Why waste time on an animal when your real enemy is right he-!"

"Shut up! You witch!"

When Hibika snapped to look behind, she was shocked to see Natsu already in the position to punch her with his fiery fists. She was unable to run away from it.

Immediately, she was hit in the face and was sent flying!

When Hibika was able to sit up again, blood came out of her mouth... but instead of using them as weapons, she spit them out to the ground as she gave such an intense death glare at Natsu, "What did you call me?"

You would think that she was once again annoyed by the remark, but no... this time she was really angry.

"You heard me... I called you a witch," But so was Natsu. Serious was printed all over his face as he stared at Hibika so intensely too.


"In what way am I witch?!" I shouted at the Dragon Slayer.

"She has red eyes!" A woman out of the crowd shouted, looking so terrified.

"I am just like all of you!"

"She uses blood for sorcery!" then shotuted the mayor.

"I am not a witch!"

"Let us burn this blood witch that disguises herself as a wizard!"
"Burn her! Burn her! BURN HER!"

"You are a witch," I was extremely pissed off by his statement that I couldn't help but grit my teeth to the point that they might break. "Not only did you actually hurt my friend, you insulted them too... No human would do such a horrible thing."

I didn't want to listen to his pointless lecture.

Immediately, I charged at him with my sickles without even thinking. He ade his flame sickled too. We clashed our weapons so hard that each were most likely to disintigrade or break.

But I won't lose to this guy... never!

What's so important about that talking cat anyway.


Chi... I know you can't hear me right now, but let's just say you could read my mind.

Do you want to live again? Should I sacrifice myself for you?

I know it's my fault why you died, and I know that I have to pay for it...

But I don't want to die yet.

I still want to have more happy memories, take a lot of quests, go on different adventures, spend more time with Fairy Tail... and more time for Kuro.

I hope she's doing okay without me.

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