Vasilisa felt herself smile. She could see Harry doing that.

Fate looked outside of the window and watched as Draco Malfoy had started to make his way to the door. He knocked three times.

The distant chatter from downstairs came to an abrupt stop. A chair screeched against the floor as someone got up to answer the door.

Ginny looked at Vasilisa with a smile. "Your husbands here. Let's go. Stick the test in your back pocket."

Nodding but feeling nervous all over again Vasilisa stood up from the small stool that was placed in the bathroom and silently shoved the test in the back pocket of her skinny jeans. Thankfully, the test had a cap so nothing could tamper the results.

Ginny had reached the bottom of the stairs first and smiled at the new company. Sure, the Weasley's weren't fond of the Malfoy's from the beginning of time, but after the war everything changed.

Lucius Malfoy was in Azkaban and Narcissa Malfoy had fled to France after her husbands capture. That left Draco with no immediate family. However, Vasilisa was the only one who remained by his side through the darkest of times.

During the war Vasilisa had lost her parents due to Voledemort's wrath for not becoming a Death Eaters. However, Vasilisa was forced to become one shortly after her parents had died and Draco was also forced to become a Death Eater.

Although Vasilisa was a Death Eater, the Weasley's still had a special place in their hearts for the last Meredragon.

It took some luck and a lot of convincing from both the Weasly's and Draco to finally call a truce between the two families. At first neither side made any effort to become friendly with one another, but Vasilisa was patient enough and eventually eased the Weasley's and Draco into at first, acquaintances, and then friends, and now practically family.

Draco being Draco, could still be a prat, however, he was working on it. It took a lot of effort on his part to accept that the Weasley's weren't as bad as he was raised to believe. The same went for the Weasley's, effort was needed, but eventually it all worked out. Now they could be in each others presence without harsh insults being thrown at each other.

Ginny greeted Draco with a hug and a huge grin on her face. "Vasilisa has got some big news she needs to tell you~" the woman mused as she sat down next to Harry who was quick to peck her cheeks and asked what was wrong with Vasilisa.

Ginny told him that she was sworn to secrecy and that it was Vasilisa's decision on whether or not to tell him. Harry frowned his own curiosity clouded his mind.

Draco looked over at his wife. He was quick to pull her in for a quick kiss as a greeting and smiled at her. Vasilisa returned the kiss and smiled at him.

"Ginny said that you have something you needed to tell me, what is it?" Draco asked a blond eyebrow raised in worry and curiosity.

"I do... um... let's take this outside." She gestured for him to take the lead.

Curiosity lounged on the couch with a smirk on her face as she watched the married couple head outside. Fate and Life followed along with Vasilisa and Draco.

The warm summer air was soothing to Vasilisa. There was a full moon in the sky that illuminated the pathway for the two. Draco lead Vasilisa over to the oak tree.

"Alright, were alone. What do you want to tell me?" Draco asked with emotions running wild on his face.

Inside where everyone else had watched the two leave the house. James turned to his Uncle George, "I think Aunt Vasilisa is going to yell at Uncle Draco for being late."

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