The brothers walked up to the double mikes and grabbed it before placing them on their ears and moved the mike over their mouth. Soon enough the song started to play and the ebony brother started to sing.

((A/n: since this will confused someone, bold is the ebony singing and the italic is the blonde singing and both is them singing together))

"Listen to my advice boys" he said looking at the audience with a slight grin. "If you come upon a casino" then he slowly grin. "Don't deal with the devil" he sang out with a slight warning undertone.

Soon enough, the blonde brother started to sing after.

"Welcome to my casino lads, Are you down for a deal tonight?" he sang out while magically brought out some cards while scanning his eyes through the crowd. "Let's see if the luck is in your hands, If you're ready, cone on and roll the dice" he sang out after then brought out two dices and threw them up at the air causing them to hover and started to spin around in the air before stopping, showing two ones.

"Snake eyes!" the ebony brother shouted out.

Then the brothers turned to the audiences with a smirk.

"Beg on yours knees. You can't flee. Bring those contracts to me!"

They both shouted out while having their hands held out like they were going to grab something and soon enough the lights slowly dimmed a bit, surprising the audiences, but they were getting into the song.

"Come on!"

"Pay with their souls or you'll pay with your head" he sang while running his finger across his own neck, showing about cutting his head at the end. "Try to escape me and you'll end up dead" he sang with a slight sneer and warning undertone.

"You can't complain now cus that's what you get.....That's what you get.....That's what you get for being greedy!" he then shouted out, causing the audiences to let out loud cheers.

"So greedy!.....That's what you get for being greedy! Oh! That's what you get for being greedy! That's what you get!"

"Nowhere to run, nowhere to go" the ebony started singing. "Hurry up, I've got a bet to win, The time is ticking, you move too slow" he sang while tapping his outer wrist, pretending to remind someone of the time. "So pay off the debt to save your skin" he sang with a grin.

"Fine one on one" they sang as they got into a fighting stance. "Run and gun, Long as you get it done" they finished as the ebony let out an evil laugh, sending shivers down Mito's spine.

"You went for broke and oh no now you're croaked. Grave situations you can't sugarcoat" he sang while looking shocked at first before grinning after. "If you break my contract then I'll break your leg" he sang while pretending to swing something at own leg, representing breaking someone's leg.

"That's what you get! That's what you get for being greedy! So greedy! Oh! That's what you get for being greedy! Yeah so greedy! Woah! that's what you get!"

Then soon enough they started male different sounds from their own mouth as a form of a rap, causing the audiences to try to follow along and cheering. During that, Mito slowly moved towards the front to get a closer look at the two brothers.

Then the blonde suddenly pointed at Mito, making her slightly jumped in surprise.

"Woah! that's what you get!"he sang out whole grinning at her, revealing sharp teeth before turning away.

"One two three you better not flee" he sang while using his fingers to count up to three and shook his head. "Eins, zwei, drie do ahead and cry!" he then rubbed his hand in his right eye, pretending to cry before pulling away, grinning more. "Beware honey, you better bee! And if you die then don't ask why" he then turned away in a scoff at the end.

"One two three you better not flee" he sang repeating the same thing as his ebony brother did. "Eins, zwei, drei, go ahead and cry!" he sang while laughing, not doing the cry pretending. "Oh! Don't you forget! Cus that's what you get! That's what you get for being greedy!" he loudly sang out.

"So greedy! Woah! that's what you get!"

Then they did the rap noises once more, but much longer now. It lasted a few minutes longer before the ebony suddenly jumped forwards, slamming down in front of Mito, whom jumped again and kneel down before her with a sharped grin.

"So listen to my advice boys" he sang out, like almost disciplining Mito, "If you come upon a casino"

"Don't deal with the devil"

After sing the last time, the song stopped, causing the whole Casino to be silent for a few seconds before everyone started cheering while the blonde helped the ebony to his feet and both bowed to the audience before walking out of the stage as the man from before walked in while clapping.

"Now everyone! That was the Cup brothers! They'll be here tomorrow for more entertainment" he announced which some people let out boos at first before the rest cheered at the end.

Within the crowd, Mito had sneaked away and towards the backstage, determined to find the brothers.

'I'm not losing you two again!' she thought.


I tried so if you don't like how I did the singing then I'll change it *shrugs*

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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