Chapter 1

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Narrator: A five year old Jack and elsa were playing outside jack's home on a fine summer afternoon.


"I am the ice queen you shall fear me!" I said as i throw a snow ball on jack's face.

"Ow! hey!" Jack said while rubbing his face where i threw a snow ball. (It's literally a snow ball okay? A white ball made out of cottonXD)

"You should have seen your face!" I said then burst out laughing clutching my stomach.

"Very funny." Jack said and mocked my laugh while i grin.

"Elsa jack! time for lunch." Mother called.

"Coming mom!" I answered while placing both my hand on my mouth.

"How about a race?" Jack challenged while smirking.

"You're on." I smiled evilly then i ran as fast as i could jack is catching up but still i won.

"Ha! loser!" I laughed.

"Hey! I just let you win" Jack excused then i stuck my tongue out. We arrived at the dining area and ate our lunch while our parents keeps on talking.

"Elsa, how about you and Jack go play outside? But don't play running games okay? You just finished eating." Mother marked and smiled at me.

"Okay mom! Jack let's play!" I called Jack and ran to him. (Hard headed are we?)

"Alright, wait." jack replied. Jack and i went to the nearest river and it was beautiful! Like shining crystals were under it.Then we saw a boy and girl around our age.A girl with red frizzy hair and a dude with shaggy brunette hair.


Hiccup and I are playing near the river. We are are playing our invented game called 'The dragon slayer'. (A/N:😂)

"I, merida, shall now slay the dragon!" I said while hitting Hiccup's head

"Hey! that hurts!" Hiccup said while rubbing his head.

"I don't care! Hiya!" I said while hitting hiccup again and again.

"Okay! I give up!" Hiccup said then played dead.

"Yes! All hail to Merida the dwagon slayer! Raaawwrr!" I roared. "But you don't actually look like a dragon. you look like a chicken hahaha!"

"Go! Laugh at me as much as you wan't! Curly fries!" Hiccup said then stuck his tongue out.

"Hmph! Can we go to that rock?" I said as i pointed at the huge rock.

"Fine, fine." Hiccup replied and rolled his eyes. We ran to the rock.

"Can we just sit here? I'm tired, and i think injured." Hiccup said

"Duh! Of course you scrawny eagle, what do you think we'll do? Stand?" I said and pouted in annoyance while he just rolled his eyeballs.

"From chicken to a scrawny eagle? Wow, thanks." He said sarcastically then sat next to me. We were sitting on the rock then we saw a girl and boy around our age. A girl with platinum blonde and a platinum haired guy.

"Hi! I'm elsa." The girl said and waved at us.

"Hi elsa! I'm Merida and this is hiccup." I said and pointed my finger to hiccup.

"Hi." Hiccup Greeted and waved his right hand a little.

"Hi hiccup this is jack." Elsa greeted back as he grabbed jack's arm.

"Hey." Jack said and placed his hand in his pocket.

"Do you mind if we sit with you guys?" Elsa smiled brightly.

"Not at all!" I said as they sat next to us. Not for long, we started getting to know more about each other.

(A/N: This chapter is edited, and hope you like the edited parts! Enjoy!)

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