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Make sure you listen to the music to get a better experience while reading ^-^...btw Cupkook is cloudsso...You will understand soon

??? - Now it can be just us two...forever...


(2 Weeks Ago)

Your POV


I heard someone yell my name out as I was walking back home from school on a cold, windy afternoon, it was the holidays now which meant I got to relax and do whatever I want.

I didn't look back, instead I walked faster feeling my heart beat at a rapid pace almost immediately after being called. What a great way to begin my afternoon...


The voice got louder and I began running. But unfortunately for me I wasn't fast enough and I ended up collapsing on the grass with a body on top of me.

"What the hell!! Get off me!!!"

I yelled then began kicking and punching using all my strength to try and remove this body that practically suffocating me.

"Would you relax it's only me! I would have thought you recognised my voice by now...obviously not."

I looked at the face of the individual and all I ever said was.

"oh...sorry Tae..."

He laughed at me and quickly got off of me then stood up on the grass fixing himself up. I on the other hand didn't move a muscle.

"Want help? Is that why your not moving?"

I glared at him and he just gave me one of his cute boxy smiles. His eyes lit up as he smiled. If I was being honest his smile could light up a dull day, so lucky for him that smiled saved his afternoon by not getting his ass beaten up.

He held his hand out and I grabbed on and he lifted me up almost to easily. I was quiet shocked, he never used to be able to pull me up that quickly, it would usually take a few chances then after the 4th attempt I would be up and feeling dizzy from falling back down then being pulled up. Whatever...


"Jungkook is behind...JUNGKOOK!!!" Taehyung yelled out and waved his arms to the boy in the distance. We heard a faint "Shut up" and we broke out laughing.

Jungkook began running towards us and after he stopped in front of us panting with his hands on his knees hunched over gasping for air.

"Dramatic..." I said and he looked up and smiled.

"To the one that was running off when Taehyung was calling your name"

I gently shoved him and heard him laugh as I started walking back home.

"Wait Y/N!" Jungkook ran up to me and grabbed my shoulder.


"Taehyung and I have a game you might like."

I looked at him and tilted my head.

Before I could say anything else I was dragged to my house and Jungkook sat on the wooden white seat and began typing on my laptop.

"What are you doing exactly?"

"Showing you the website."


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(To get a better view of the website you know the link ;3)

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(To get a better view of the website you know the link ;3)

"So Namjoon is the leader right?"


"And Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok are just side characters?"

Taehyung and Jungkook dramatically gasped at the same time.

"How dare you call them side characters...Y/N how could you..."

I blankly looked at them speechless on what to say...were they really attached to this game.

"Um...anyway I'm gonna download it...and play it...so you two can leave..."

"Wait we need to tell you something about the game."

Jungkook said but Taehyung began grabbing his arm walking out the door

"Ouch, Hyung let go!! She needs to know the game g-"


Then Taehyung closed the door of my room then I heard the front door slam.

Well I guess it's time to download and play...eh this looks weird...whatever I will give it a shot for them..


Hope you gonna enjoy this story.

I guess I will be the narrator and you will be like the character if that makes sense if it doesn't I'm sorry but eh.

(Still didn't see the website? Press External Link!)

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