Hello I'm......

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Annie POV

A-I guess it's just me and know
H-Guess so
A-so gym?
H-Do I have to ?
A-Please... for me ?
H-How can I say no to those puppy eyes
A-You can't! Now come on!
H-Ugh. I Hayden Summerall don't like to workout
A-I can tell. You're kinda getting a little chunky
A-I'm just kidding...maybe
H-Just for that

Hayden picked me up from my waist and place me over his shoulders

A-Put me down Summerall!
H-Not until we get to the pool
A-Noo!!! I'm sorry!
H-For what?
A-That I called you chunky
H-You mean it?
H-Then you're going into the pool
A-Why!!! Let me down I don't like the view
H-Well I like mine

I push all of my weight forward so my hand would touch the ground. I got my legs out of Hayden's hold and then I did a walkover to stand up straight again.

H-Damn. I forgot you did gymnastics
A-Now what where you saying about your view?
H-You know how I liked staring at you
A-Then take a picture it will last longer hun
H-Okay *snap*
A-I didn't mean it literally
H-To bad. Awe I think I found my new screensaver
A-You wouldn't dare
H-Oh I'll dare
A-Fine *snap* guess I found my new screensaver too
A-haha. Now can we workout now

Jayden POV

Me and Connor left and started to walk towards Target. Once we got there we looked around and shop for groceries.

Ja-Isn't this picture of this dog cute?
C-not as cute as you
Ja-What? You were mumbling
C-Oh I said yeah you should get it
Ja-Nah. It won't go with my theme
C-You and your theme
Ja-Everything needs to match! Let's go to the movies section to buy a movie for tonight.
C-Scary movie!
C-You picked last time. It's my turn
Ja-Please something else
C-Come on Jayden. People said that it was more funny then scary
Ja-Can't believe I'm saying this. Fine we can get it
C-Love ya
Ja-Yeah yeah. Love ya too

Annie POV

I was doing my workout routine with Hayden. He looked exhausted so I let him go get water and take a break. Ten minutes has past by and I decided to went out to find him. When I went out I saw Hayden talking to this girl and laughing. She was about my age a little shorter. She started to twirl a piece of her hair while smacking a piece of gum. I stood there for a minute and started to feel a burning feeling inside my body. I ignore the feeling and decided to pretend I didn't notice anything.

A-Hey Hay! There you are
H-Sorry Ans. I was getting a drink of water when I met Danielle
Danielle (D)- Hi! I'm Danielle
A-Hey I'm Annie
H-Well. Me and Annie should get going
D-Where are you off to?
A-To my dorm
D-oh so y'all are dating?
H-No no. We are just best friends. We are going to watch a movie with others. Your welcome to join?
D-Sure! Just text me!

As she walked away I pulled Hayden into a corner.

A-What the hell Hayden! You can't invite strangers into my dorm like that.
H-Why not? It's just making new friends!
A-Bringing new people to movie night that only had been the only 6 of us for over 10 years!
H-Chill Annie! I'll just bring her to my dorm and skip movie night
A-You never miss a movie night. Even when you had the flu. And now some girl just came and you decided it's okay?
H-I grew up Annie. So should you!
A-Fine. Don't be mad at me when everyone else starts being mad at you tonight.

I left and walked away quickly to my dorm. I ran in and locked it. I went and took a shower and waited for the others.

K-Honey I'm home!!
J-Really Kenz?
A-We promise we will do that every time we come back to the dorm. Hahaha
J-Oh where's Hayden?
A-I don't fucking care. He ditched movie to be with some girl
K-He did not!
A-He did! He told me to grow up because I guess ten years of traditions is childish
J-I thought Hayden was better then this
K-Well I guess we brought more Taco Bell for nothing
A-Not for nothing! That means we don't need to cook tomorrow.

Kenzie POV

I can't believe that Hayden out of all people would just ditch us like that. Especially for a girl he just met. I always though he and Annie would end up together.

Ja-Honey I'm home
J-Y'all were serious when you said that?
J-Ditch us for a girl
Ja-Excuse me? I don't see that girl helping him when he had the flu!
A-Calm down. They are in the guys dorm as what he said to me
Ja-You're okay with this Annie?
A-Well I do admit that was a jackass move but I'm his best friend. I should be happy for him
K-Guess what Annie?
K-Me and Jayden are not so we are going to beat his sorry little butt the next time we see him
A-I didn't hear anything *wink*
Ja-Oh! When we have permission from Annie!
J-Woah woah woah. Let's not get physical towards him
C-Yeah. We should talk to him
K-said you. You beat the shit out of Jayden Ex
C-That's different! He cheated on her
K-doesn't mean you should get physical. You should always use your words. Right?
J-You made your point. But he is part of the group though
Ja-Fine. We will TALK to him
K-But just remember he never left you guys for Annie. And they are like this 🤞🏼
A-It's true though he always picked you guys over me
Ja-So how does it feel. That he picked a girl over you?
C-It's not cool
J-he should of had the guts to tell us
A-okay. Let's put this to the side and watch a movie!
C-I got "It"
A/K-Fuck no!
J-Y'all Luck last time
Ja-Like what I said.

While watching the movie every time I get scared I hide in Johnny's chest. So did Jayden with Connor At a random scene I looked over at Annie not even watching the movie. She was on her phone the whole time. We heard a knock on the door and Connor paused the movie. I decided to get up and open it with Jayden.

I can't believe what I saw....

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