Angel-Chapter 29

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Hadley's POV:

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask in confusion.

"To warn you." He said simply, making my eyebrows draw together and my blood boil.

"Warm me about what!? Warn me that tree bitches would barge into my house?!?" I shouted.

"No Hadley-" He started looking hurt, but I cut him off by pushing my way out of the van.

I started walking toward an unknown place, knowing that if I don't calm down, I wouldn't have a dad. And even if he deserves it, I'm not killing my own blood.

Draven's POV:

We were finishing cleaning up when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" I tell my mom, and rush to open the door.

Standing there was Hadley's dad. He looked lost and, most importantly, depressed and...sad.

"What's wrong Mr.Benson?" I ask full of worry.

"Hadley left Draven. She went away. She's.....she's gone." The words made my heart drop and my eyes burn.

"Angel." I whispered under my breath.

I unconsciously shut the door and went up to my room.

I locked my bedroom door and began to cry.

I began to cry for the first time since I was 14.

I began to cry because the love of my life left.

The love of my life left.

My Angel left.

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