Gilbert Blythe | Please Talk To Me

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry." I said breathily.

"No need to be sorry, you're talking to me now aren't you?" He smiled brightly as we walked down the field side by side.

"I guess.."

"And besides, you're cute when you're stubborn." He smiled as he suddenly stopped and turned towards you.

"W-What?" You stuttered as you looked at him unable to speak.

"I said you're cute when you're stubborn." He said once again with pride.


"Come on, we don't want to be late for school." He took my hand and we ran towards school.


"Y/N, Gilbert, it's nice of you to join us." Mr. Phillips silently glared at both of us.

"Uh, we're sorry, sir. We promise it won't happen again." Gilbert said before sitting down at his desk.

You silently walk towards your desk and sit down next to Diana.

"What took you guys so long? And why were you with Gilbert Blythe?"  She slightly smiled as she wondered of all the possible scenarios.

"He took my book and wouldn't give it back. He's just a mean boy is all." Youscoff as you started to pay attention to the teacher.

"Seems like he's really taking a liking to you, Y/N." Diana playfully pushed you slightly.

"He's staring at you right now, Y/N."

"Stop looking, Diana." You looked at her and showed my annoyance.

Why does he have to keep staring. It's very impolite.

"Y/N.." you heard a whisper from the other side of the room.

At first you just wanted to ignore him but he kept saying your name, causing you to finally look over at him.

"Yes?" You sigh as you looked over at him.

He smirked as he had finally gotten your attention.

"Here." He spoke as he threw a small and crumbled up piece of paper at you.

You let out a heavy sigh as you started to unfold the paper. You glanced at Gilbert one more time before opening it completely.

May we talk after school?

You scoff at Gilbert as he watched you carefully.

"No." You whispered at him.

"Why not?" He mouthed silently as he watched Mr. Phillips walk past him.

"I don't have to answer to hateful boys." You turned your head and started ignoring him.

You could see him throwing more paper at you but you didn't even bother. Until one of them caught your eye.

You carefully and quietly opened it and started reading it.

You're beautiful.

You looked over at him and he gave you a soft smile as you looked at him.

You could feel your cheeks heating up and you suddenly felt the urge to hide in a corner, but instead, you cleared your throat and started listening to the lesson once again.


"Y/N, wait!" Gilbert ran after you as you walked quickly out of school, trying to avoid him.

"Gilbert, stop following me." You just wanted him to leave you alone but he just wouldn't leave you alone for anything.

"Just let me talk to you!" He finally caught up to you and was now right next to you.

This boy sure is persistent.

"Just please leave me alone!" He kept following you and you could already tell that he had no intention of stopping anytime soon.

"I just need to do this." As he finished his sentence he stepped in front of you and his lips landed on yours.

Your eyes widened as he kissed you. His pink, soft and plump lips moved slowly across yours.

I think I need to pinch myself to see if this is real.

He slowly pulled back as a gentle smile was plastered on his face. You felt like you were as red as a tomato.

"See you." He spoke before running off into the woods.


So, how was it?
It's really different when I'm writing Gilbert imagines because I have to imagine the time to be in the past.
Idk if it totally sucked but HEY ITS UP😂💕

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