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When we got to the hotel, Dalton pulled me aside. 
"Please tell me you're ready to admit he's into you." He said, cocking his brow.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Dalton, I honestly don't know..he comes on pretty strong, I know that much. But, I still don't think he's really into me."

"He'd definitely like to be in you if you know what I mean." He winked.

I sighed, as my cheeks started to turn red at his comment. I cleared my throat. "Really Dalton? You couldn't have put that nicer?" I asked.
He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I didn't see you correcting him, when he spoke with such profanity." He sighed. "But, hey, enough about what's his name, go find the other what's his name." He added, causing me to chuckle.

"Yeah, I should go find Page."

"Right! Page! That's his name. That was gonna bug me all day. Thank you!" He teased.

I breathed a laugh, and rolled my eyes, before waving goodbye to him, and leaving to find Page.

He was hanging out with other members of BC, thankfully Matt and Nick weren't around, just Marty, Kenny and Cody.
I was still a little disappointed, considering all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him, and kiss him. But, I couldn't.

I smiled at him, and he winked, causing me to blush. The guys, were too caught up in there conversation to notice, so nobody asked any questions.

Things were going pretty well until Tama joined the conversation.

"Tama! 'Ver you are! I take it 'ya found a ride?" Marty asked, Tama smirked and nodded.

"Yeah, thankfully. Our dear friend's gorgeous sister, offered me a ride, and I would've been dumb to refuse a ride from her." He replied, looking me up and down.

Page looked at the ground, clenching his jaw, and flaring his nose.

I faked a smile. "Um..Tama! Come on." I teased, knowing my face was growing even more red by the second.
Tama licked his lips, and his smirk grew.

"No one knows it's you, Miss Jackson.."

He winked, quoting the song, I'd showed him earlier. I looked at the ground, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

Page cleared his throat. "Why didn't you just ride with Marty? Or better yet, drive yourself?" He asked, becoming just a bit jealous.
Tama cocked his head.

"Why are you so concerned with my traveling schedule? Marty had to go before I was ready, and I didn't wanna take the chance of falling asleep behind the wheel, if you must know." He replied, as he furrowed his brows, seeming annoyed Page would ask, then he smiled sarcastically. "Is that good enough reasoning? Or, do I still need to explain myself to you?"

Page exhaled sharply, deciding it was best not to say anything else.

I felt bad, I could tell how mad he was, I knew he wanted to tell everyone, I placed my hand on his shoulder, nothing too affectionate, but letting him know I was there for him. And only him.
He seemed to calm down, under my touch, he tried to hide a smile, as he looked down at the ground.

I cleared my throat. "I need to go to bed, I'm really tired." I stated, letting Page know, he could meet me in my room.

Tama leaned against the wall and smirked.
"If I said I didn't have a room, would you offer me a ride again? If you know what I mean.." He winked.
I was surprised he'd say that, well, slightly anyway. I guess, I shouldn't be surprised that he'd say it in front of me though. He did say, it was better than saying things behind my back. I said nothing, and looked at the ground, shaking my head as I walked out.

"You're" Cody commented. "Especially when you lied straight to Matt and Nick's faces about being into her."

Tama shrugged. "I'm just having fun Cody. It's not like any of you are dating her, or anything." He started, before cocking his head. "Right?" He asked, as he raised his brows.

"Right..for now.." Kenny trailed off, looking at Page, who stayed silent, resisting the urge to admit everything to them, knowing it wouldn't help anything in the long run. "Until Page makes a move." Kenny continued to tease, nudging Page's arm.

Tama scoffed. "Yeah, because that'd stop me." He said sarcastically.
Page's face hardened, and he clenched his fists, trying to stay as calm as he could.

"You'd kinda have to give up if they started dating. That's kinda like a rule." Cody explained, causing Tama to roll his eyes.

"Rules? Excuse me, but I don't know where it says, I have to stop wanting to sleep with someone, because someone I know already wants to. Or has for that matter."

"So, if I started dating Y/N, you still wouldn't stop trying to sleep with her?" Page asked, getting more and more, frustrated.
Tama cocked his head and smirked.

"You could marry the girl." He started before going to walk out, turning back for just a second, his smirk grew. "And that still wouldn't stop me."
And he left with that.

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