Secrets Come Out

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"Have you talked to Y/N lately?" Matt asked, sounding just a bit annoyed. "She's been avoiding me at all costs."

Nick shook his head, as they walked into the hotel together.
"Nope! I even asked her to ride with us to the hotel, and she said she'd rather go with Dalton. I think she's probably still mad at us. I mean, you did forbid her from dating anyone. So..she's probably more mad at you." He chuckled, earning an eye roll from our older brother.

"She needs to get over it." He scoffed, shaking his head. "I'm just trying to look out for her. Let's face it, if she starts dating one of the guys, she's gonna get her heart broken. And, I don't wanna fight with the guy that did it."

Nick sighed. "She's into Page. You really think he's gonna hurt her?" He asked, before shrugging. "I mean, if I had to choose one of them for her to be with, it'd be him."

Matt rolled his eyes.
"My answer, is none of the above, if I get a choice." He replied. "And yes, I think he's capable of hurting her."

Nick shrugged, but decided not to argue it any longer.

"Oh, hey! I was just looking for you guys." Tama stated, when he made his way over to them.

The Bucks exchanged looks, before turning their attention back to him.
"Why exactly?" Nick asked, a bit confused.

Tama sighed, seeming distraught about something.
"It's about Y/N..I think there's something you guys should know." He said.


I knocked on the door to Page's hotel room, only to have Marty answer, his eyes widened, surprised to see me, he leaned against the door frame, and smirked as he crossed his arms.

"Y/N, hey..'wha are you doing 'ere?" He asked, before biting his lip.

I cleared my throat, and smiled at the ground. "Well Page around?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Oh!" Marty exclaimed, as he started to blush, and the smirk fell from his face, he stood up straight, and cleared his throat. "You're 'ere for-mhm..right! But..may I ask, why?" He said, sounding a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, wait..did you think I was here for-"
I started, but he cut me off.

"Me? Not at all.." He trailed off, shaking his head, before clearing his throat. "Um, Page is in 'va shower, but you can come in if you want to. Or you can leave me 'ta my embarrassment if you'd 'rava." He chuckled.

I breathed a laugh, and walked inside, standing there awkwardly, as Marty sat at the foot of his bed, just as Page came out of the bathroom. His eyes widened, when he saw I was here, and a smile grew on his face.

"Oh, hey." He said, not really sure how to act, with Marty right in front of us, I couldn't blame him, I wasn't entirely sure how to act either.

Marty, smirked, and rested his chin on his hands, when he noticed the tension.
"Maybe 'vis isn't really any 'ov my business, but, Y/N, you 'neva really answered my question. Why are you coming to Page's hotel room in the middle 'ov 'va night?" He asked.

Page cleared his throat.
"You're right Marty, it isn't any of your business."

"Oh, is 'vat 'ow it's gonna be?" Marty chuckled, before crossing his arms. "'Ven I guess you won't mind me, hanging out 'wif you guys?"

Page clenched his jaw. "Nope. Not at all." He said, through gritted teeth.


"Wait..Y/N and Page..are together?" Nick asked, seeming confused, as Matt angrily paced around the room. Tama nodded in response. "How do you even know this?"

Tama sighed, playing the concerned friend part better than anyone could.
"Well, on the drive here, she handed me her phone, and I accidently hit the text icon..I saw some of their recent conversations. And they're very..well, I don't think you really wanna know."
He lied, truth be told, they were fairly innocent, sure it was obvious that I was dating Page by what was said, but he of course made it sound like we'd been sexting.

"I can't believe this!" Matt hissed.

"Not to mention, he's really controlling. Like, he freaked out when he found out we drove here together. And, I mean, I'd understand him being a little jealous, except..he won't tell anyone they're together." Tama added. "I don't know why."

"Probably because he didn't want us to know." Matt growled.

"That, don't think he's like, embarrassed, do you? I mean, I don't know why he would be. But, when you're that protective over your girlfriend, but you still won't tell anyone you're just seems kinda shady to me."

Matt clenched his fists together. "You're probably right. I'm gonna kill him!"

Tama shook his head.
"Wait, I have an idea. That'll ensure they're done, but..she won't hate you." He suggested.
Matt cocked his head, and cleared his throat.

"Well, out with it then."

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