Chapter 50 (Final)

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Once we landed and Kayleigh woke me up, we got in two black cars and then made our way to the hotel we were staying in.

We all got given rooms with two to each.

Ashton and I are in a room together and once we got the keys we all put our bags into our rooms but had no time to unpack because we had to go do a sound check for later on.

It's 3pm and the concert starts in 3 hours. This is going to be one of the best concerts we have ever had, not because it's in a big fancy stadium or that it's it Dublin but there's something else going to be happening tonight which I can't wait for.


Once we got to the stadium all the boys went backstage and me and Kayleigh sat on the stage with Paul.

"So this is going to be full?" I ask him

"Sure is." I don't think I had thought about the size of the audience before I accepted singing with Niall. My nerves kicked in about and I still have two and a half hours.

Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael come out and me and Kayleigh just off the stage and stand at the bottom of it and listen to them singing.

Once they had finished it was about another half hour until One Direction came on. They sang about 6 songs and then Niall spoke.

"Leah, do you want to rehearse battlefield?" he asked.

"Yeah em, are we going to be playing instruments or what?"

"No, not here anyway."

"Oh okay." I jumped onto the stage again and was handed a microphone.

The tune for battlefield started and Niall and I sang to the best of our abilities.

"Was that okay?" I asks him.

"No it wasn't" my jaw dropped and I felt like I was about to be sick.

"Don't worry, I was joking it was amazing. You'll do great tonight!"


The concert has started and 5SOS only have one more song to do and then it's me and Niall. I standing taking deep breaths when my brother came off stage and held my hand

"You'll do fine."

One of the crew members hand me a microphone and Niall walked on stage.

Once the crowd calmed down he spoke.

"Everyone this is a special song to me and to Leah, I would like for you to give her a warm welcome since she's really nervous about singing in front of a large crowd."

The crowd scream and I walk out and stand opposite Niall. The music starts

"It's easy to fall in love but it's so hard to break somebody's heat what seemed like a good idea turned into a battlefield" I took a deep breath and began to listen to Niall.

"Once, lust has turned to dust and all that's left's held breaths forgotten who we first met what seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield."

"We both know its coming does illusion could for something we hide? the surface tension's gotta break, one drop is all it take to flood out this lie." We both sung together.

Once the song was done I gave Niall a hug and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. The crowd roared up again and then become silent.

Niall turned me around by my shoulders and I saw Luke walk out onto the stage. As Luke got to me Niall walked off and I was left with Luke not having a clue what was going on.

"Leah, I thought you were perfect the moment I laid eyes on you, you were the one I wanted and I now have. You mean the world to me and you're my best friend. You're gorgeous and such an amazing person, I could go on forever but these people paid for a concert so I better not." My eyes began to tear up.

"Leah?" Luke spoke he pulled something out of his pocket and got on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" I let the tears fall and nodded my head not able to speak.

"Y-Yes of course I will." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

(A/N last part of this book. I've started writing the sequel, it's called 'Birthday Wishes 2 and should be up in a few weeks, please vote and comment so I know whether you still want the sequel or not)

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