Chapter 27

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~A Few Weeks Later~


I'm starting work today. Right now I'm in the car with Calum. The car ride has pretty much been silent so far so I sat and just looked out the window.

"So.. I'm going round Ashton's house later, there will be quite a few people there and he said that you can come over if you want to after work?" Calum said breaking the silence.

"What time you going over? I'm finished at 6 o'clock and I'd have to get changed and that first." I replied still looking out the window.

"I'm going over at 6:30. Is that enough time? Ash said that you could stay the night since there is enough room since his sister has just moved out."

"Yeah that should be fine, I'll see you later." I say as Calum parked the car and I opened the car door. I close the car door and wave goodbye to Cal. I step in the shop and its pretty much dead. I walk up to the counter. "Hi I'm Kayleigh, I'm meant to be starting today." I say a bit nervous.

"Hi I'm Julia I'm the manager. Follow me throw here and I'll get you your apron and I'll show you how to operate things." The women behind the counter said giving me a wide smile. I guess today won't be as bad as I thought.


Leah's now fully moved out. I have to admit I was pretty pissed off at first because now it's only me since our parents are now living in America. I'm the eldest should it not be me moving out first? I'm happy for her now though, she's moving out with the one loves but I swear to god I'm going to kill Niall if he hurts her. I've decided to throw a party for her tonight. I've invited Luke, Michael, Calum, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Louis, Niall, Vikki, Kayleigh and Leah obviously. It's not exactly a party but still. I think she deserves to be happy just like everyone else I can't keep babying her she's going to be 19 this year and I'm going to be 22 I guess I can't protect her forever. I've already got the drink last night along with the food. It's now 4pm so I'm going to go for a shower.

Once I'm out I pick out a tee and a pair of jeans and throw them on and take out a pair of my vans. I dried my hair and went back downstairs to put the food out. It was now 5:45 and Leah and Niall said that they would come around at 6o'clock so since I didn't have anything else to do I sat down on the couch and started to watch tv.


"Leah would you hurry up, we're going to be late! We said we would be there at 6!" I shout upstairs to Leah who still isn't ready.

"Just coming!" she shouts back for about the 7th time. She got to the top of the stairs and she looked gorgeous. She had a white flowy blouse on with a blue shirt, black skinnys and blue hightops on. Her hair was curled to the side and her make up looked really natural. "Wow." I let out as she got to me. "I could say the same about you." She said looking me up and down. I grabbed my car keys and we headed to Ashton's.

Once we arrived we were about 10 minutes later than we said we would be but we were still the first ones there. It was about another 20 or so minutes until everyone else arrived. Leah and Vikki were over in the corner having a catch up since they hadn't seem each other in ages. Vikki and Louis are finally together. Took their bloody time. Calum and his cousin I think her name is Kayleigh have just arrived and he is going around introducing her to everyone.

"Right since everyone is here now, who wants a drink?" Ashton shouted walking to the kitchen, so we all decided to follow him. He tossed me and the rest of the boys beers and asked he girls what they wanted.

"Leah how about you, what you wanting?" he said gesturing to the drinks he had.

"I don't want any thanks." she replied.

"Leah you alright? You never say no to drink." Ashton looked at her with a rather confused look.

"I'm fine I just don't want anything." She said walking out of the kitchen and I followed her.

"Leah are you sure you're okay you've been acting a bit weird the past few days." I say to her, she doesn't say anything just grabs my arm and takes me upstairs to her old room and sits down on the bed.

"I need to tell you something Niall." She seemed scared. I sat down next to her.

"What is it? I wouldn't be angry at you, whatever it is."

"I um.." she trailed off.

"You.." I said

"I'm.. Well you remember how on Valentines day we went back to yours. Well I took at test yesterday and again this morning.. I'm pregnant Niall that's why I'm not drinking. I'm pregnant!" She let out a tear and I just sat in shock.

"I'm going to be a dad, me a dad wow!" I was speechless I wasn't quite sure what to say. I was over the moon don't get me wrong it was just a shock.

"So you want to keep it?" She looked down at her stomach.

"Of course I do, Leah I would never make you get rid of it. I've always wanted to have kids, I'm just glad it's with you."

(A/N sorry if this was a bit predictable and short but I just felt like updating this just now because I just got the idea hope you liked it i'll be updating again soon)

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