Part Twenty-One - End

Start from the beginning

"I'm not taking him," I said firmly. He looked at me surprised.

"What do you mean? He's the best and--"

"And he's getting married in two day's time," I said, cutting him off. "And to my best friend. Absolutely not. I'll take Rangel, he's second best, and Ramirez. Lance, Arp and Jackson can go, too. Solent as the tracker." He sighed and stood.

"Very well. I cannot tell you otherwise. You are my lead in Guard."

I grinned. "Damn straight."

"About that story..." he said lightly. I chuckled.

"You can hear it while I tell it to Scott. He's waiting for me, remember?"

"Well, now I do," he grumbled, making a face.

"Oh, shut up. Come on, if you want to hear." He smiled and shook his head, agreeing to go anyway. While we walked, he put his arms around my shoulders, and I leaned in. "I'm glad I'm here," I said softly.

"I'm glad you're here too. You have no idea how glad. You know, I talked to Cecil recently, and he said that it was a good thing you came when you did, or I would have driven everyone completely insane. I think he might've been exaggerating a little bit, but knowing him, you know...." I laughed and shook my head.

When we got to Scott's door, I knocked. "Scott? Scott, are you decent?"

"Decent enough," was his answering reply. I chuckled and opened the door. The doctor was changing his bandages, so he was half-naked. Okay, well he was fully naked, but the blanket from the bed covered his bottom half.

"Even with your healing abilities, boy, if you don't quit moving, these things will never close up!" I laughed, Amir chuckled.

He looked up and saw that it was both of us. "Oh," Scott said, attempting to get out of bed. "My Lord, I didn't know--"

"Boy, I'll kill you myself if you don't quit moving!" I froze. They continued to talk, but my mind was caught on that one sentence. A sudden wave of complete anger ingulfed my body, from the tip of my toes, to the top of my head, to each strand of my hair. I knew the doctor was only joking, but still, it was difficult to control my anger with those words. I felt my body tense, and I looked to the floor, my body blazing with a sudden burst of heat.

"Uh, Doc?" Scott's voice alone made my anger slightly lessen. "Let's not say things like that around her," he said, and I vaguely remember the cautiousness in his voice.

"Hmm? What do you-- Oh... Yes, I believe that's best. Forgive me, Miss Schuyler. I meant nothing of it," the doctor said hastily.

"I know," I grunted out, my voice hoarse. "I know you didn't. Just... just give me a minute." But it wasn't dissipating. "Say something." I demanded of Scott. "Anything." I felt my body shake and I croutched down, putting my arms between my knees.

His brows were furrowed, and he nodded. "Your story. I'd like to hear more about the story you were telling me earlier. The one that brought you here. Or better yet, why don't you tell me how you found me? I'd very much like to hear that, too. We've got the time, and I'm a great listener." With each slow, intentional word he said I felt my anger dissipate, and all that anger over a simple statement that wasn't even serious. But I couldn't help it.

Amir crouched down in front of me. "Raise your head, child." I breathed a sigh of relief and raised my head. His hands went to either side of my face. "You controlled your anger very well. We'll have to talk later, but I'm proud of you." I nodded, smiled, and stood.

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