"Oh, right," Bagman held it out to me.

I thrust my hand inside the pretty bag and emmidiatly withdrew it, one of the model dragons bit me. "Ouch-" I used some of Uncle Vernon's choiced swear words.

Bagman, Fluer, and Harry looked disapproving, but Cedric was shaking with silent laughter, even Krum let a small grin slip by.

I stuck my hand back into the bag more carefully this time and withdrew a dragon.

It was the pearly one. The American Majesta.

She was beautiful, every time she moved a differant part of her scales gleamed like diamonds. The violet eyes stared into mine with a petronizing glare that I couldn't look away from, and the fire that trailed down her back to the tip of her tale flicked furiously. Beautiful and dangerous. How could both be in the same creautre?

I looked up to see that Krum had grabbed the Chinese Firebolt. My Cedric had grabbed and Swedish Short-Snout. Harry had grabbed a Hungarian Horntail.

"Well, there you are!" said Bagman. "You have each pulled out the dragon you will face, and the numbers refer to the order in which you are to take on the dragons, do you see? Now, I'm going to have to leave you in a moment, because I'm commentating. Mr. Diggory, you're first, just go out into the enclosure when you hear a whistle, all right? Now… Harry… could I have a quick word? Outside?"

"Er… yes," said Harry blankly, and he got up and went out of the tent with Bagman.

I stared after them for a while before turning to Cedric who was staring at me with worry.

"What?" I asked, my forced smile dropping to a confused frown.

"I've heard about that kind of dragon before," Cedric said, gesturing to the American Majesta that was crawling around my lap at this very second. "At first I didn't recodnise it but then I seen you staring at it for at least five minutes..."

"What?" I said, flabbergasted.

"I heard it only works on females," Cedric continued. "It keeps them dazed long enough to kill them... As though it needs any of that. It's the most ferocious dragon known to wizard, they're even sneaky."

"Well. I can take care of myself," I said with a smile. It made me feel warm to know that he cared. It was almost as though he were already my boyfriend. "Thanks though."

I gave him a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

A whistle blew.

Cedric jumped. I hadn't really kissed him full in the mouth, but it still sent a shock through me. Cedric turned green.

"I'm up," he said and got to hit feet, gave my hand a squeeze, and left the tent just as Harry entered. Harry gave him what I think was an inspiring grunt, but it sounded more like Uncle Vernon using the toilet.

Seconds hater, we heard the roar of the crowd, which meant Cedric had entered the enclosure and was now face-to face with the living counterpart of his model.

I got to my feet and started pacing, feeling like a nervous reck but keeping a straight face.

What Cedric said. That the dragon could daze me long enough to kill me, rang through my mind. I couldn't believe how unlucky I was. I had chosen the one dragon that is more feirce with girls.

The crowd screamed and I let out a small cry. Was Cedric hurt? No. He couldn't be, he seemed like he knew what he was doing. Sure he was a little green when he left but he still had that determined look in his bright grey eyes. "Oooh, narrow miss there, very narrow"… "He's taking risks, this one!"… "Clever move - pity it didn't work!"

Harry Potters Twin Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now