Part 2: Accepting Myself

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**Disclaimer there might not be anything about me in school to pick up from last time. This is what was happening in between school days, but any of the important things in school I won't forget to put in later. It might have to wait until part 3, sorry.

So, now that I officially am saying that I'm bisexual, I need to learn how to accept myself more. I'd like to say that I told someone that I'm bi, but that'd be lying cause I didn't tell anyone for a year. I know, I know, that's crazy, but what I mean is I didn't tell any of my irl friends or my family. I told my online friends. I just wasn't ready to tell anyone.

Not gonna lie, I was in LGBT teen group chats on Kik, cause I wanted to find more people like me. I found these three really cool people, Izzy, Michael, and Andrew. They were amazing, we were in a group chat that we made so that us four could talk whenever. It was amazing, they were amazing, but sadly one day we all stopped talking. But, before that we talked all the time, not exaggerating. I will get back to them, cause I wanna talk about this guy, Alex, we will talk about them three later I promise.

So, Alex, he was this blonde, shaggy haired, blue eyed, and short guy, that I fell in love with. Okay, I might be over exaggerating a little bit beacuse I didn't really fall in love, I guess. He was really cute and he(and my awesome group of friends that I will talk about later) was my way of learning to accept myself. He was gay, and he liked me too, oh yea, forgot to mention that he lived in a different state. Which, is why we didn't date. If we lived closer we would have. But, one day he sent a, uhh, selective picture to me, and was like, OMG I'm so sorry, and I said that i didn't mind, cause i didn't, and he said well since you.don't mind...

And then he sent another one. Honestly I was kind of excited about it, it was thr first time someone sent something like that to me. Later, we will talk about my first time sending one of those, and about a guy I actually did fall in love with someone, me and that guy still talk. But, back to Alex. Me and him stopped talking, I don't know why, and I didn't really care to be honest.

Now since we are done with him, we can talk about my group of friends. Let's start with describing them. Izzy- lesbian, really pretty, smart, talented, and tall. Michael- bi, weird, cute, smart, and polite. Andrew- gay, adorable, really shy, nice, and smart. So, Izzy was the glue of our group, she was the humorous one making all of us laugh even Andrew. The day when we like had just started talking, Andrew wouldn't talk a lot. But, after Izzy started sending memes and telling jokes, he loved talking to us. Michael was the craziest like. I'm crazy but he was beyond crazy, it was amazing. I really miss all of them, I could still talk to Izzy I have her number, but I'm scared to. I feel like she doesn't remember me it has been a couple years. Maybe one day I will, just to see what she says.

**So, what think. Let me know in the comments(damn that sounds like a Youtube outro😂). I think it was ok, sorry again for my choice to not continue in what happened in part 1. I just thought this was more important than what was going on during school. Tbh 6th grade was boring. When I talk about 7th it'll be better i promise. Lmk some ideas and ways to improve. Bye😊

~Breyden H.

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