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This book is honestly going to be hard to write because I ship Thunderblink so much!!

The bolded is Piper speaking to machine/tech


    The only time Piper knew there was something important going on was when someone outside of her holding cell shouted. She knew it was an extreme case when a few of the employees would run by. An extreme case usually meant that a mutant was on the run, and that Piper should be expecting someone to enter her cell in a few moments.

    It's not like being in a cell annoyed her. Of course, if she had a choice she wouldn't choose to be in the cell, but Piper could think of worse positions she could be in. Besides, her cell wasn't uncomfortable. It was actually very spacey. Like three times the size of college dorm room.

    The food she was provided was surprisingly delicious. It was nothing like the gross cafeteria food served in school.

    The furniture was comfy and homey. It was decorated as if it was a home. It had colorful wallpaper and soft carpet. Her bed had fuzzy blankets and fluffy pillows basically piled on it.

    No one was really rude to her, at least not to her face. She knew that people didn't really like her. A con to being a mutant around humans. There was the occasional thrown insult, but Piper always tried to push the words away.

    The door swung open and she looked up to see Agent Jace Turner standing in her doorway. "We've got a mutant on the run."

    Piper stood and grabbed a jacket. "Details?"

    She stepped out the door and followed Jace down the corridor. "Female. Escaped from prison. Ability to teleport. It's not very developed yet."

    They entered into the technical room where giant computers showed pictures of the girl running from prison. One of them showed her mug shot. Her eyes were extremely green and her iris's were unusually large. Purple streaks shown in her hair.

    Piper bit her tongue as questions about the girl popped into her head. She quickly shot them down. That was part of the deal. No questions about the mutants.

    "What unit will I be with?" She questioned Agent Turner. Piper was only with police when sentinel services knew for sure they were going to catch a mutant that day. Otherwise, they believed the police officers would get in the way because they aren't as well trained to track mutants.

    "Unit 1835." The buff man responded. Piper looked up at him. His brow was furrowed. She wondered why he was so angry.

    Jace fastened the ability collar around her neck, making sure that he'd be able to remotely control whether she could use her ability or not. Agent Turner then cuffed her wrists with metal bands. They weren't uncomfortable. She was used to them by now. They helped her control her ability.

    "Your unit is waiting for you. Go." He handed her and ear comm.

    Piper nodded and ran off to the car, jumping into the back seat. The officer in front of her flipped on the sirens and sped onto the street. The brunette felt anything but the rush of a chase. She was hunting down her own people, but she was compelled to keep the deal she had.

    Buildings and people were blurred as the car sped by. Rain drops splattered the windows of the car. Piper's knuckles were white against the handle on the door. She didn't know if she would ever get used to the fast paced car chases.

"Attention all units fugitive suspect spotted at Grand and 17th."

    The electronic voice spoke over the system.

"Unit 2325 responding." Just approaching the intersection. Heading there now."

    Another voice called over the radio. Piper's head hit the headrest roughly as the car accelerated immensely towards the location of the escapee.

    Well within a minute later the officer in the passenger seat picked up the radio.

"Unit 1835, we have a visual on the suspect. Heading east towards Wellington."

    Piper's eyes wandered outside the window expecting to see the woman from the debriefing with Agent Turner.

"Copy that. Coming up on Wellington now.

    Piper could now see the woman running. It was difficult to see her figure through the rain, but the brunette could see her if she squinted. They were gaining on her but apparently not quick enough.

    "We're going to loose her!" The officer driving shouted.

    Piper leaned forward in between the driver and passenger's seat, reaching forward to touch the center console of the car. It glowed white from the touch of her hand.


    The car lurched forward, speeding up extremely. As they neared the woman, Piper squinted again, making out the details of the alley the car was speeding down. The prisoner halted as the flashing lights of another car shone on the other side of the alley.

    Sparks of purple and blue expanded from the hands of the woman. It continued to enlarge as their police car got closer. The next second the prisoner stepped through what must've been a self created portal.

    "Stop the car!" The officer yelled and slammed on the brakes, the tires screeching. Piper lunged from the backseat and gripped the steering wheel.


    The car stopped abruptly. Piper's torso ached as the seatbelt bit into her and her heart beat echoed in her head as it slammed back on the head rest. Electrical sparks flew around the outside of the car. Piper hurriedly pushed open her door, then peered up. The edge of siren was cut off, gone.

    "What the..?" One of the other cops from a different car had his eyes glued to the spot where the portal had been.

"Track it."

    The comm in her ear sounded as Agent Turner spoke in her ear.

    "I don't know if I can. I haven't fully developed that ability yet...and it hurts." Piper spoke back.

    Agent Turner had hired men from Trask Industries to help her develop her abilities, but tracking technology wasn't something easy to develop. They weren't like the simple tricks she could pull off now.

    "You've worked on it enough. Track it."

    "I'm going to find the piece of the siren that was cut off." Piper announced to the officers, trying her best to sound confident.

    Piper stepped on to the hood of the car so she could reach the siren. She closed her eyes to focus. Circles of white waved over the piece of technology.

    She could barely focus on finding the broken siren. Everything was cloudy and shaking. The amount of energy she has to exert was already exceeding its maximum.
    Her mind raced through the streets of the city. She could make out nothing but the smudges of color that represent buildings and streets.

    As her mind continued to roam, her heart beat sped up and her breath became labored. A headache quickly formed in Piper's head.

    A shiver shot down her spine. She'd located it. The image of the siren was fuzzy, but she could lead the police to it

    "I found it." Piper removed her hand from the siren, breathing hard.

    "Where is it?" The officer that drove the car she sat in asked.

    "I, I don't know. I can't explain it." She held her head. It's not like she was lying. Piper couldn't explain where it was, but she could lead them to it.

    "Let me drive. We'll catch her." Piper hopped in the driver's seat, blocking the thoughts that urged her to let the poor woman go.

    This woman deserved freedom, not the artificial life Piper was living.


Can't wait to write more. Please let me know what you think:)

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