"Well..." Noctis starts, standing up. "What can I say?" His voice is broken, wavering.

Prompto finally breaks down, clasping a hand over his mouth to stifle the sound of his sobs. Ignis's jaw clenches and Gladio forces his gaze to stay focused on his king, as it always has. A rag-tag team of rich kids who grew up so close to their king they can't even accept the fate they knew was coming all along. I just never knew it was so soon. He's so young. Why couldn't he enjoy life first? Noct never got the chance at achieving true happiness. There was always something stopping him. Noctis smiles for half a second.

"You guys..." Another tear slides down his cheek. "Are the best."

I choke on an unforeseen sob and the tears come before I can stop them. I rip my hand from Ignis's and cover my eyes. I'm not a pretty crier. It's all tears and loud sniffles and bizarre choked noises that erupt at unpredictable moments when I can't breathe. Ignis sighs, closing his eye and clenching his teeth together even harder. I know he won't cry; I wonder if he even wants to. Always so hard as stone. Noctis swallows hard, turning his eyes onto the hard ground and clenching his pale hands into fists.

"And you're really not making this easy."

"I'm sorry," I bawl out, bitterly laughing at the sound of my own ridiculous state.

"Don't apologize," Noctis shakes his head, tears pooling his eyes when he gives me a slight smile. "I'm just not brave enough to go all in."

"I'm not..." I choke on my own shuddered breath of air. "I just can't... Gods, I don't want..." I can't continue any further before emotion takes over again. I hate myself.

"Rayne," Prompto pleads, fruitlessly swiping at his face as more tears replace those he removes.

Seeing he's getting nowhere, he stands and drags me to my feet, throwing his arms around me. He's not a pretty crier either, drenching my collar with his tears. I couldn't care less. Gladio's there in almost an instant, enveloping the other half of my body and resting his hands against Prompto's shoulder blades. In mere seconds, Ignis and Noctis have joined our spontaneous group hug, all tied together by Gladio's broad grasp once he moves to let them in too. It's all warm breath and something trickling down my neck and Noctis murmuring nonsense as he shudders against his own urge to succumb to the pain we all bear.

"Astrals, I love you guys," I breathe, clinging to Prompto just a bit tighter.

"I love you guys too," Prompto laughs. Slowly, they all pull apart. I take a deep breath, pulling myself together. I turn around to face Gladio, to maybe even crack a joke. Instead, I find the same puffy eyes and red spots the rest of us bear. I laugh against the lump in my throat, reaching up the end of my sleeve to wipe at the remaining wet streaks on his cheeks. They've already welled back up in those gorgeous amber eyes.

"G-Gladio, please, if you start, I'm not going to be able to stop and..." I relapse into torturous grief, only to be crushed against his shuddering chest.

"You g-guys are r-r-ridiculous," Prompto stutters, forcing a laugh. Noctis smiles, watching me cling to his shield like he's mine. We can share.

Finally, after several long moments of rocking back and forth and fighting tears, we break apart, Gladio chuckling when he sees the wreck I've become. I punch his arm weakly.

"Don't you even start. Everyone here's a mess, and that's not excluding you."

"Are we prepared now?" Ignis asks carefully, tilting his head to the side. His voice sounds odd.

Nodding, I start heading toward the truck. "Why not leave our stuff here for the next travelers to use?" I suggest upon seeing Noct's confused stare. "Another act of goodwill from the king and his men."

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