6. Working Together

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The cold remained. Hero did all he could to make life comfortable in the camp. Having his mother, the Quebecs and Lahar was a great help. He spent most of the day working on the windmill estimating that it wouldn't be complete until the spring.

                "Hero! Hero, are you up there?"

                Hero put down his hammer and walked to the window. Looking down he saw Lahar standing in the snow, her blue scarf fluttering in the light breeze.

                "I brought you lunch!" Lahar called, holding up a hot bucket of food. "It's potatoes and carrots, just off the fire."

                "I'll be right down." Hero said going back inside. He took the ladder down, as the stairs were still in a state of repair. Lahar was coming in as he reached the bottom and she handed him the bucket.

                "It's coming along great," she said looking up the shaft. "I wish I knew a thing or two so I could help."

                "You do enough," Hero said taking the lid off the bucket and letting the steam warm his face. 

Lahar sat down to him join as he ate.  "The Emperor is giving a speech tomorrow. "He's putting more restrictions on refugees. I've learned a new term. Second class citizen. Its bad enough we have to be away from our homes. They don't have to treat us so terribly." She wrapped her arms around herself for warmth. "Hero..." She closed her eyes before looking at him. "Do you think it's possible Kiva is alive?"

                Hero looked into her sorrowful eyes. He didn't know what words to say. "Uhua says he went after me."

                "He did. And I was a fool to let him go! I should have made him stay, but you know Kiva." She looked down. "I've been lying to myself all this time. There was no way he could have found you in that vast desert, and the sand storms and the bandits..." She sniffled and shook her head. "Oh, Hero I just don't know what to do next. He's always on my mind. He's in my sleep."

                "I think about him too," Hero said. "I suppose his memory is as stubborn as his spirit."

                Lahar chuckled. "Hero, you left us a child and came back so grown up." She touched his face. "I know we are not far apart in age but you've always felt like a little brother to me. Now it's me who feels like a child."

                Yucawa suddenly entered the windmill. "Hero, the Grand Duke was passing along the road and he'd like to speak to you."

                Hero looked at Lahar then got up from eating. He took his time going down to the road, flanked by Lahar and Yucawa. A small crowd had gathered around the Grand Duke's gilded carriage. Hero walked through the crowd unimpressed to find Uhua among them standing closest to the Grand Duke.

                "Prince Hero!" Euromus said. "I hope everything has been well for you." He then nodded to Lahar. "Princess."

                "It has, Your Imperial Highness," Hero said.

                "I'm glad. "Euromus said. "I see the windmill is coming along nicely." He nodded to it.

                "It is," Hero said. He suddenly felt the need to get out of the cold and be away from the Grand Duke.

                "Well," Euromus said stepping down from his carriage. "Since I'm here I'd better take a look at it."

                "Look at it?" Hero exclaimed, "But it isn't finished!"

Hero in Nagoray 2: Red Sky DayWhere stories live. Discover now