"Dad wants to see you" He told me. I felt as if i had just been punched.

"No, fuck off with that shit, no, no!" I panicked.

"Jesus, Sammy, I didn't even know you swore. You used to be such a good kid, Dad wants to see his daughter, he has the right" Kaden attempted to reason with me, but i stuck to my word.

"You know nothing about me! You haven't even been around for 6 years, get the fuck away from me!" I shouted. Then I heard someone ran into the room.

"Sam! Skye's got pom poms stuck in her hair and i need you to get them out" Sophia told me, completely ignoring Kaden.

"Sophia, go upstairs please, I'll come help in a minute" I tried to hurry her out of the room.

"But Sam!" Sophia whined.

"Aren't you going to introduce me, Sammy?" Kaden sneered.

"No, i'm not. Sophia, go upstairs" I said bluntly. Sensing the atmosphere, Sophia scurried upstairs.

"So that's one of the twins? She's cute" Kaden remarked.

"No. Stop, you don't know them, you don't know me, get out of my life!" I shouted.

"I'm waiting for Mum to come home" He said stubbornly, crossing his arms.

"You're such an asshole. Mum will give you the same answer, i'm not going. don't waste your time" I said, venom in my voice. I hated him.

"Sure thing Sammy, I'm gonna wait in the living room." He dismissed me and walked into the living room.

Anger boiled inside me and i felt like breaking something. "Dickhead!" I shouted, turning and punching the nearest object, a framed painting. Glass stuck in my hand and pain coursed through my arm. I was bleeding. I felt like I could collapse. Instead I just stared at the blood, dumbstruck.

Without a word Cara came over and inspected my bleeding knuckles. I began silently crying as she walked me upstairs and sat me down on the side of the bath. She cleaned my hand gently.

"Who's he?" She asked.

"My brother. He's a dick. Don't talk to him, I don't want him to know you" I told her. I recognised the aggression in my voice as one that wasn't my own. I hated it.

"Okay, I won't." She nodded calmly. She kissed my sliced up knuckles playfully and I laughed a little. She then bandaged up my hand.

"Please promise you won't talk to him. Don't even tell him your name" I practically begged.

"I won't" She told me.

"Promise, Cara" I said with all seriousness.

"I promise" She said kindly, taking my good hand in hers as some kind of reassurance. It worked.

Until Lou walked in the bathroom.

"Sam, your Mum and brother are in the living room and they want you to talk with them" She said solemnly.

"Lou, take care of the girls and Cara, don't let him touch them" I commanded. Lou nodded. She knew everything and she understood.

The Unforgettable SummerWhere stories live. Discover now