Calum must’ve heard her, because he went back to where Jacey and I were standing and listened intently as he chewed on his cookie. I looked at him and snorted quietly. “Depends on what it is…” he raised an eyebrow and leaned against me.

“Well, you know that Will’s birthday is tomorrow right? And that he’s turning eighteen?”

The two of us nodded. “Yeah,” I said.

“Do you need for us to call in strippers?” Calum asked. “Because I know a bunch of good ones that give amazing lap dances like that one on my birthday, and she did this whole thing where she took the elastic band of my underwear and kind of gave it a little snap and then—“

“No! No, no, no, no strippers,” she pointed her index finger at Calum’s chest. “None of that stuff. I just want your guys’ help in planning his surprise birthday party. You idiots. Besides, I can give him a lap dance and he’d be totally fine with it.”

“Oh god,” Calum and I looked at each other as those words entered our ears. I began to fake regurgitate while he began to laugh hysterically. “That’s nasty! We didn’t need to know that!”

She slapped the both of us with an oven mitt in a playful manner and couldn’t help but laugh with us too. “I was just kidding, sheesh,” she rolled her eyes. “But are you guys free right now? I need help carrying a few things and buying the decorations and all.”

I felt a nudge from Calum, and that usually meant it was my decision. He’d just roll with whatever I agreed to. Since Jacey and Will Jay have been close friends of ours, I didn’t want to say no. Planning a party actually sounds pretty fun—a hell of a lot better than sitting around anyway.

“Yeah. Let’s go plan ourselves a fucking good party.”

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  

The first place we drove to was the /only/ party store in town. They do a really good job in meeting the needs of any possible party theme a person can think of. Because my birthday falls around this time, my parents and Calum’s would always buy their decorations here. And because of that, we've grown close with the owner and a few of their workers, and we consider them close friends of ours.

Walking inside, we were greeted by bright piñatas hanging from the ceiling. I accidentally hit my head on one of them because I forgot to duck my head, and the two behind me snickered at my clumsiness. I gave them both the middle finger, and the three of us chuckled together.

“Welcome to Party Palace!” a worker greeted from most likely hearing my loud thud. “How may I help you today?” They were standing behind a counter.

“Yeah, is Theo here today?” I questioned, rubbing the area that was hit. Getting a closer look at the employee, they turned out to be a young girl that didn't look over twenty.

“He’s in the storage room looking for something,” she replied with a smile. “Do you want me to give him a message that you’re all here to see him?”

“That would be fantastic, thanks,” Calum answered for me. Jacey nodded along, and I might as well nod because it would've been awkward if I just stood there like a potato. Not that I wasn't to begin with.

The worker left the counter and went through the door behind that must’ve led to the storage room. While she was gone, I glanced at both Calum and Jacey, who were casually looking around the store in different directions. “So did you have like, a certain theme in mind short stuff?” I asked Jacey.

“Mmm…” she tapped her bottom lip as her eyes continued to wander around. “Will’s a dork, so he likes anything that has to do with Pokémon. Maybe we can do that? But not too childish though.”

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