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i woke up to see that i wasn't in my bed and i panicked a little, but remembered that i stayed over in Nancy's room last night. Nancy wasn't in the room, so i suspected that she was downstairs eating with everybody else. but she was just in her bathroom having a shower.

i sighed and got up to get dressed to the same clothes i was wearing last night since i borrowed some of Nancy's pj's. halfway through dressing, Mike walked in to tell me that breakfast was coming soon, but he shut the door after he saw me topless. "relax, Wheeler. it's not the first time you've seen me naked. plus, i'm wearing a bra. you can come in."

he walked into the room awkwardly as i was still putting my shirt on. "so, was my sister annoying last night?" he flopped himself onto her bed and i did the same thing. "did you guys talk about.. — lady things?" i choked on air.

"yeah, we talked about how i bleed from my vagina every month!" i loudly said and rolled my eyes, also shoving Mike off the bed. he mumbled a small 'ow'. i laughed and helped him up.

"Michael, Nancy, Breakfast!"

Mike and i raced eachother downstairs like little children that whoever won would get twenty dollars. "hi, Mrs. Wheeler!" i greeted, but she looked very confused. Mike whispered into my ear "she hasn't actually met you."

"first of all Mike, where were you yesterday? secondly, don't worry, we'll get to know you on the table." and as on cue Nancy made it downstairs and sat on the table. i was between her and Mike.

"so, mom, this is Maxine Mayfield," Mike said trying not to laugh, i kicked him under the table, "ow! that's the second time you hurt me today! — anyways, nobody calls her Maxine, so we call her Max-" "are you guys dating?" Ted asked suspiciously.

"no! why does everybody keep assuming that?" he replied and i laughed quietly. "she slept here last night because me and Nancy didn't want her to go home alone, she had nobody to pick her up-" "correction, you didn't want her to go home alone. don't bring me into this." Nancy cut him off and Mike gave her a glare.

"it's nice to have a gingerish-redhead on the table though. anyways, dad, how was work yesterday?" Nancy asked. they were all engaged into a conversation except Mike and i.

i looked at Mike to see him frowning as he picked up the waffle from his plate. i already knew what was on his mind, Eleven. i didn't know what to do, so i just pulled him into a side hug. his parents weren't watching, so that was a good thing. "what if she comes back?" Mike whispered and i shook my head vigorously.

"she won't, i'll make sure she won't, we'll make sure she won't." i pulled away from the hug and continued to eat as i still felt Mike's stare on me. "stop doing that, Lucas & Dustin aren't even that creepy." his cheeks went a bit bright pink, i touched them to see if they were heating up. "it's so obvious you like me." i said jokingly, of course i wasn't serious.

"mom, can me and Max be dismissed from the table?" right before we even got approval i felt Mike grab my wrist to lead me upstairs into his room. "okay, Mike, what kind of kinky shit are you trying to get me into?" i laughed and smiled widely even though it wasn't that funny.

"i like your smile. you don't wear it too often." he said out of the blue.

"shut up with your cheesy lines, Wheeler." although i absolutely love what he just said, i have to act as if i don't care. Mike knows i care though. "you're so obsessed with me, you're like Lucas 2.0, holy shit."

"can i tell you something?" he asked sitting up straight. i nodded. " — nothing, you're just really cute." i rolled my eyes and grabbed my skateboard.

"better get going, my mom must've thought i've died or something. school starts in an hour too so you better get ready. i'll see you later, bud." i hugged him goodbye and i saw him frowning, maybe because i was leaving. he walked me to the front door downstairs, hugging me once again.

"i'll see you at school."

i decided to look around school for Anne as i didn't thank her yesterday for saving my life. i've never even seen her in school so i don't know if she'd actually be here. but i succeeded in finding her in the girls' bathroom. she was braiding her hair and i thanked her quickly and walked out of the bathroom, also seeing Anne's boyfriend, Gilbert on the way out. "go to class, mate." i said and patted his shoulder. a few seconds later, i turn back to see Gilbert and Anne making out on the wall, ew, they're like five years old.

when i walked into class, i expected the quiet and Mr. Clarke asking me why I'm late. but instead there were noisy kids and no Mr. Clarke had showed up. "what's going on?" i asked Dustin who looked just as confused as me.

"Mr. Clarke is ten minutes late, and we don't know if he's overslept or what," he replied. i sat down on the right of Dustin but Will came up to me to say he wanted to sit next to Dustin. i nodded and moved to the only available seat — which was next to Mike. Lucas was right in front of me, so he turned around and whispered "i want to talk. AV room now, if possible? nobody is paying attention anyway."

i glanced my eyes to Mike, who was looking down at his table. i looked back at Lucas and nodded, he smiled. i got up and luckily everyone was in their own conversation and didn't see me sneak out with Lucas.

we walked into the av room where Lucas locked the door and i thought that this situation was gonna be bad. "Mike said that he's starting to like you, so i'm gonna help you and him, we're playing matchmakers." Lucas blurted out quickly.

"but i don't even like him!" i shouted quietly, Lucas made a 'really?' face. "even if i did, i wouldn't wanna be with him at all." i protested. "and i thought you liked me."

"you know you're lying. also, i got over you a few days ago. anyways, i know you're supposed to sleep at your own house tonight, but there is a sleepover at Mike's, me and the boys will give you guys space, if that's what you need." he stopped talking and it was silent. but soon enough, i groaned and agreed to everything he said.

when we walked out, we found Will, Dustin & Mike waiting near the door. i smiled, "stalkers." everybody laughed except for Mike, he looked slightly mad. i was curious as to why, but i ignored it. "whatever. we're gonna go home since our teacher ditched us." Dustin spoke, i laughed again and nodded.

as soon as we started walking back to the school entrance, i felt an arm wrap around my waist to see it was Mike, it was probably a habit for him. i tried to make him let go but i couldn't. "are you stressed?" i asked.

"no, it's just a flaw i have called jealousy." he answered and kissed my cheek.

Mike is being protective in this chapter smh 😤. what do you think of it?

i decided to make Anne a friend of Max only but she will interact with the boys whenever necessary, same goes to Gilbert.

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