Chapter 6.

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"Nice going Edward." I growl as I watch my mate walk away from the forge, for a brief second I could feel fear and rejection coming from her before she left. We all leave once Carl comes back in, and Bella leads us towards the paddock Rory's horse was in earlier. We all stand in silence as she works, taking the old shoes off before replacing them with new ones. Her horse keeps an eye on everyone watching while she works, making sure we don't step near them. Protecting her. I watch in awe while everyone gathers around the paddock as she finishes up.

"That horse will be the death of us one day." The old guy Raf says from my side.

"How come?" Bella asks looking at him.

"Won't let anyone but our lion get close to him. If Rory didn't come back he'd of froze rather than wear his blanket. Ever her daddy couldn't get close and he was the one to save him. Broke three of our hands arms. Made another eight quit." He finishes making me worry about the saftey of my mate.

"He seems okay now though." Edward says not taking his eyes off the horse.

"That's cause his mama's home. He's a good boy with her here." He says before walking away with a wheelbarrow.

"What's wrong Edward?" Bella asks looking at her mate.

"His mind, it was all over the place. He's worried about Rory and her condition. I don't know what condition but that's what I picked up." He tells us causing me to worry about my mate even more.

"The only condition I can think of is her mental one. She was in a coma for six months after the crash, they said her dad died on impact." Bella says as everyone comes over to look at Ares. His black mane ruffles in the breeze as he walks around his paddock but refusing to come towards us. I'm about to get in with him but stop myself once I see Rory. She holds up some reins talking him into putting them on, I look around but don't see a saddle. Raf comes back and let's her know about dinner but she waves him off getting on the horses back.

"Stupid girl riding without a saddle. I sometimes think she has a death wish." He mutters as we all watch Rory and Ares ride off into the tree line. I send Edwards a mental message and walk off from everyone after he nods. Once I'm sure no one is watching I use my speed to follow my mate. I find her after an hour of serching by a spring, her horse drinking happily from the water. I walk slowly towards them both, her horse snapping around to face me.

"I ain't gonna hurt you boy." I tell him, my accent slipping through, he stands down going back to drinking.

"What are you doing here?" Rory asks looking at me.

"I followed you, I was worried about you." She sighs as I sit next to her

"I've covered too much ground for you to of followed me on foot, yet I don't see a horse." I smile at her, leaning close to brush some of her hair from her face.

"Can you keep a secret?" I ask staring into her eyes.

"Yeah, but why would you ask that?" She steps closer so her eyes are level with my chin causing her to look up.

"Cause your not the only one who can run like the flash." I whisper to her using Edward's words from earlier.

"Like I said, I don't know what your all on about." She says shaking her head and stepping away.

"Just keep your eyes on me Rory." I tell her as she stands next to Ares. I take a deep unneeded breath before using my speed to move behind me, then use it again to stand infront of her causing Ares to look at me.

"" She asks.

"I'm a vampire." I tell her. She bursts out laughing causing me to frown.

"No serious how?" She asks once she's calm.

"I am serious. My real name is Jasper Whitlock, youngest Major in the Texas confedirat army, I was turned May 6th 1862. I've been 19 for 155 years." I tell her, Ares nudging my shoulder so I place my hand on his head stroking him.

"Whitlock. But, what does that make me?" She asks her heart rate rising. I take my hand away from her horse taking her head between both hands making her look at me.

"I don't know darlin, but we will figure it out. But you have to promise to keep my families secret, no one can know." I whisper to her, she nods her head and I let her face go. "I'm surprised you never noticed our eye colour, But then you've been isolating yourself." I laugh but she looks down at her feet quickly.

"Can you keep a secret?" She whispers but I hear it regardless.

"Of course I can." I reply going back to stroking her horse. She looks at me, tears filling her eyes as she does so.

"I..I'm colour blind." Tears fall from her eyes as she says the words that cause me to freeze in place. I watch as a sob breaks out of her throat causing me to quickly pull my little mate into my arms cradling her head to my chest as her fists clutch at my jacket, I whisper calming words to her while I stroke her hair Ares looking on in concern nudging his head into her back.

"It's okay darlin, I'll help you." I tell her as she pulls away. She smiles a little before wrapping her arms around her horse.

"Thank you. I haven't told anyone but you, Raf, Sue and Theo. I can't." She mumbles.

"Come on, it's getting late. We should head back." I say offering my hand. She takes it gladly Ares walking beside us.

"He's never like anyone but me, you must be special." She tells me looking ahead.

"I never thought a horse would ever come near me again. Any time I tried they ran away." I admit looking at her face.

"What do you eat?" She randomly asks.

"Blood. But only animal blood, like deer." I tell her still holding her hand.

"Huh, garlic?"



"Decorative. "

"Holy water?"

"Drinkable." I laugh at her questions, knowing there the same ones Bella asked Edward.

"So no-one will eat me?" She asks again. I can't help but chuckle at her causing her to scowl at me.

"No-one will eat you darlin, I'll kill them before anyone harms you." I tell her after bringing us to a stop and turning Rory to look at me.

"I believe you." She whispers. "We should get on Ares and ride back." She looks back at the horse with love in her eyes before turning back to me.

"You get on. I'll run with you both." I lift her up and place her on the horse, she grips the reins smiling down at me.

"Give us a head start then, cause I know your fast." She says laughing the sound hitting my ears like smooth music.

"You have five minutes." I whisper, not being able to stop the smile lifting my lips.

"Your on vamp boy." She laughs before nudging her heels into the horses side sending him running. I laugh as I watch them go, feeling lighter than ever.

"You love her." A new voice says. The musical voice of my best friend I turn and face her, the smile still on my face.

"Yeah, I do."

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