how to be sucessful. only ONE way

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Success. It is something everyone anticipates but only few achieve. As kids, we are all told by elders that to have a good life, we have to be successful. I mean, it doesn't only have to be exclusive to that so yes, it's true to an extent. So How do we become successful? You may ask. In this rant, I am going to share you ONE tip yo need to achieve everything you want to.

1: don't be lazy and work hard. literally that's all you need. Every single successful person is someone who is always up and working hard. Not someone who does nothing but eat and sleep all day. for example. have you ever noticed that Lamborghini NEVER advertises on tv? like when was the last time you have seen an ad of it? it's because the people who can actually afford it don't sit in front of a tv. I mean I do get it if you like watching tv or sleeping and such. you can do both. but success won't come to people that won't work for it. hey, lemme visualize it for you. if a 20 dollar bill was sitting 10 metres away from you and 3 20 dollar bills were sitting 30 metres away from you, what would you do? would you get up and actually walk up to one of them or sit there? Obviously you would go get it because money doesn't have legs and it won't walk to you. If you decide to get up and get it, which one would you get? The one 20 dollar bill that's 10 metres away or the one twenty dollar bill AND 60 dollars 30 metres away? Most would choose the second option. why? Because it is more money. But you have to walk further for it. but people will still walk further because again, why? because it is more money. that's the exact same thing with success. To get more, you will have to do more. If a first year university student asks their professor for a phd right then and there, will the professor give it to them? No. Why? Because they haven't worked for it. If you simply expect to become all rich with no effort, will you? No. Why? Because you haven't worked for the money. Successful people get what they want because they go out and get it. Not because they sit around thinking about it. Lesson of the day? Want something? Wanna be successful? Work for it. Don't expect everything to be handed to you. Thank you for reading and have a good day.

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