★ | 001. kiss on the lips

Start from the beginning

"The other Serena was a mess who was on a path of self destruction." Serena shook her head. "But that doesn't mean I'm boring now."

"We will have to see about that, won't we?" Candice said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She walked towards her, her heels clacking on the ground and she stopped until she was inches away from her. "Go join the party. I'm sure everyone is just dying to see you again."

"Where are you going?" Serena asked as Candice moved away from her and towards the hotel doors.

"Chuck and I need to chill out. It's so stuffy up there with all those old bats. I would ask if you'd like to join but, you're boring now." She giggled and turned on her heel, strutting towards the door and outside. She had felt Serena's eyes on her the entire time.

As soon as she reached Chuck, she snatched the joint out of his hand and brought it to her lips. "Do tell what happened?"

"She says she has changed. Turned over a new leaf, looking at the bright side of life." Candice scoffed and took another drag. "We'll see about that. If I know anything about Serena. It's that this good girl act won't last long. Hopefully it ends sooner rather then later."

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Candice had her legs crossed as she sat on the steps for lunch, watching as the nervous little blonde girl was showing Blair the invitations she had hand made.

Isabel and Kati were gushing over hoe adorable they were. "It looks like a ten year old made it. You can't seriously want to use these?" Candice stated as she looked at Blair was raised eyebrows.

Jenny frowned and looked away in embarrassment while Blair just laughed  playfully. "What would you prefer? To have alcohol and strippers on them?"

"Least it would make for a more interesting invitation and not," she picked up a card and held it in front of her face, "please come to my party. We can play charades and eat strawberry cake." She said in a childish voice.

Blair grabbed the card and ripped it away from her hand. "I like them. She didn't do a bad job. And here is yours... as promised." She handed one over to Jenny who had brightened up since she now had the go ahead to go to the party.

"Hey, here you guys are." Serena breathed out, walking over to them with a yogurt in her hands. "I looked all over the dining hall for you." She turned to Jenny. "Oh, hi, I'm Serena."

"I know, uhm, I mean, hi, I'm Jenny." The smaller blonde stuttered back, shaking her hand as if she were a celebrity.

Candice could feel the atmosphere around her change and she glanced to her side to see Blair's smile had been replaced with a sneer as she stared up at her once best friend. It made Candice smirk and lean forward, ready to see the storm that was soon approaching.

Serena leaned down and picked up one of the invitations. "So, when's the party?"

"Saturday." Blair answered hesitantly. "And you're kinda not invited. Since until twelve hours ago everyone thought you were at boarding school. And Jenny used up all the invites." Jenny went to protest but Blair cut her off, "you can go now." Jenny dropped her head and scurried away. Blair turned back to Serena and said in a non apologetic voice, "sorry."

Serena bit the inside of her cheek in anger. "No, it's ok. I've got a lot of stuff to do anyway." She threw the invitation back down and it landed on the step next to Candice. She slyly picked it up and hid her smile behind it.

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